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Reviews for Phantom of Hogwarts

Drinking chocolate2010.11.27 - 10:05AM41: 39- Unwelcome Encounters and Welcome ResearchSigned
Hee! I'm enjoying reading this chapter as though it were canon -- everything going as JKR wrote it, but with Snape and Hermione sneaking off to be together when the author isn't looking, and a few other characters acknowledging this and covering for them. I squicked myself mightily when I was giggling over Ginny having these books that would appall Molly -- since Molly wrote them (agh! Squick! Scrub from brain! Not in character, anyway!). And I love that you have Hermione addressing the issue of hymeneal pain. That always really got me, too, that the struggle to ensure that girls maturing into sexual activity has to deal somehow with that pain. I wish it weren't part of the picture. :-( I like Hermione's scholarly preparation for sexuality, in keeping with her way of studying everything else important!

Author's Response: *bounces* I love that you're reading this chapter as if it were canon. LOL Makes me proud. ;) As for studying important things... *cough* Well, SOME things are VERY important. *wicked giggle* Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

phantomofhogwarts2009.03.29 - 01:06PM41: 39- Unwelcome Encounters and Welcome ResearchSigned
Oh dear! Colin is going to get himself in trouble! I know Hermione just ownt be bale to keep it from him! I do understand her though, it must hut to not be able to be close to him when everyone else can be close to their loved ones!

Author's Response: *nods* Feeling alone sucks. And Colin... well, you'll see! *snort* Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

ElectricBloo2008.03.14 - 03:01PM41: 39- Unwelcome Encounters and Welcome ResearchSigned
Even though it will all end in tears, I could completely identify with HG's freezing shock during CC's kiss. Poor girl, but I glad that she's been written with a personality honest enough to own up to the event's occurrence. That and I'm looking forward to the row and make up session following it lol. Cheers for posting.

Author's Response: I figured that sort of conscientiousness fits in her personality. As for looking forward to the row, you may be, but I doubt Hermione is. LOL Thanks for reviewing! :)

Guinnevere2006.09.04 - 09:31PM41: 39- Unwelcome Encounters and Welcome ResearchSigned
She's such a control freak. She plans everything - right down to the details of losing her virginity. How could one not love this kid! Good chapter.

Author's Response: *snerk* Some people are just type A personalities, you know? LOL!! Too funny...

lpf2006.08.01 - 02:29PM41: 39- Unwelcome Encounters and Welcome ResearchSigned
If I were Colin I would start packing my bags because I can only imagine how Snape is going to react. And I wonder just what Hermione is planning and how Snape will feel about it...

Author's Response: *snerk* Poor Colin. Snape's not the only one who hates him. See other people's reviews for proof! LOL As for the rest... we'll see eventually! Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

Angelfury2005.09.25 - 12:59PM41: 39- Unwelcome Encounters and Welcome ResearchSigned
Awesome story! hope u post the new chapters soon

Author's Response: I'm 16 pages into the next chapter now, and plan to write more tonight. So, hopefully, it won't be too long now! :) Glad you like it, and thanks for reviewing! :)

adele rose2005.09.24 - 01:26PM41: 39- Unwelcome Encounters and Welcome ResearchSigned
Alright, I just has to re-read the last few chapters to get my PHoG fix ; not to whine or lay a guilt-trip or anything ;-), but I just may go into deep PHoG withdrawal if there's not a new chapter soon, and I don't think that'd be pretty! Truthfully, I had hesitated to start reading this, 'cause I wasn't sure of the premise, but it's really one of the most delightful SS/HG fics I've read, and I even pulled out my old "Phantom of the Opera" CD to listen to while reading your story. (I saw "Phantom" at the Kennedy Center several years ago, and really enjoyed the spectacle, despite not being a huge ALW fan--I'm more of a Sondheim type.) You do a truly fantastic job of describing and utilizing "Phantom" without having it overly dominate your story. And of course, the dark seduction in "Phantom" can be *very* sexy and sensual--I can't wait to "see" it in the Hogwarts production! And I hope that Hermione doesn't screw things up too badly with Severus with her little plan . . . . (I assume it might have something to do with sex toys?)

Author's Response: I amd working on it, I swear! (Ask Lotm, she's seen it! LOL) I'm about 12 pages into the next chapter, and I seriously wanted to just post about 8 pages, so I could drive you all mad with a hirroble cliffie... *eveil laughter* BUT! I didn't, because I'm not like that. :) I'm so glad you've enjoyed it, and it makes me happy that I've reignited your appreciation of PotO too. Thank you so much for such kind words, and thanks for reviewing! :)

Satoni2005.09.21 - 04:33PM41: 39- Unwelcome Encounters and Welcome ResearchSigned
creepy Colin...Sev is going to kill him when he finds out...please let him find out :) would love to see his reaction and Mione defending him...I don't know whether or not Snape's going to be happy with not breaking her maidenhood...but we'll have to wait for future chapters until we will find that out. I love your storyè and I hope you'll update soon...but I think I already implied that....

Author's Response: *wicked grin* Poor Colin indeed. LOL!! There will be repercussions to come, trust me. Glad you're enjoying it, and thanks so much for reviewing! :)

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