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Reviews for Phantom of Hogwarts

Jane3332014.05.29 - 04:44AM48: 46- Getting to Know YouSigned
6-year old Snape and Sheldon the turtle?! Oh my god, I can't even handle how cute that is! :D

Author's Response: Hee! I know. I couldn't resist. ;D Glad you're enjoying it, and thanks so much for reviewing! :)

phantomofhogwarts2011.02.07 - 06:13PM48: 46- Getting to Know YouSigned
I thought of what I wanted to say after rereading this chapter and found out I said most of what i thought in my last review. However, i did want to say that I do like how Neville reasons that Severus might indeed have changed. It's nice for someone to consider it so with no knowledge of his affections for Hermione but just of his own accord. And how cool t hat you made it Neville who has been so terrified of the potions master!

Author's Response: You've spotted my not-so-hidden agenda: I love Neville and wanted to show him growing up and being the coolest guy ever (esp. since we hadn't yet seen his BAMF-ness from the last book, but I KNEW it was in there!). And, of course, as you said, if people can see HIM, a guy who was SO petrified of Snape, manage to come around and appreciate the man, then that's pretty powerful stuff. Thanks as always for reviewing! :)

Drinking chocolate2010.12.07 - 11:26AM48: 46- Getting to Know YouSigned
Oooh, I like the silky canon threat! Keeps us all on our toes.

Author's Response: *gigglesnort* Well, we can't have him changing too much too fast, right? ;P Thanks as always for reviewing! :)

phantomofhogwarts2009.03.30 - 11:13AM48: 46- Getting to Know YouSigned
Yay! More questions! Love learning the little tidbits! I hope the students try and be more respectful towards Severus, I know that it might take time but if neither one gives over they're always gonna end up like that. I'm glad Hermione sees that it's not just the students hatred for Snape, he really had caused most of it in the first place. He needs to learn as much as they do. Thought Neville was cute at the end there!

Author's Response: LOL I spent quite a bit of time figuring out which questions and things to have them ask and answer. Glad you liked them! Thanks for reviewing! :)

DistinctVagueness2008.05.29 - 07:08PM48: 46- Getting to Know YouSigned
Severus and Sheldon. Oh, how darling :D I love the idea of Snape having a pet, and I'm glad Crookshanks took to him so favourably. Hopefully he won't remember Snape too well when he makes an 'announced' visit to Hermione's room..

Author's Response: Yeah, I would totally love to see a fanart of ickle-6-year-old Snape with his turtle, Sheldon. LOL Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

ElectricBloo2008.03.15 - 06:48PM48: 46- Getting to Know YouSigned
Oh bless Neville, he's such a sweetheart. Cheers for posting.

Author's Response: Yes, he is. He quickly gained on becoming one of my fave characters, so much so that I HAD to buy the shirt from Hot Topic that had a pic of him brandishing his wand, and under it, it said, "My Hero." *squee* So glad you're enjoying his development too. Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

Guinnevere2006.09.07 - 01:09AM48: 46- Getting to Know YouSigned
Nice transitional chapter! Good job.

Author's Response: LOL I STILL start hearing the damn song from the King and I every time I see this chapter title. *shakes head at own folly* My own fault, I know... ;)

jewishaunt2006.08.12 - 09:01PM48: 46- Getting to Know YouSigned
5 things I like about your description: Your way of describing characters. A lot of authors use the same type of speech pattern for boys or girls. They become interchangeable. I always know when Harry, or Ron or Snape speak just by how the words come out of their mouth, 2) Your way of describing the details of rehearsing a play, from the technical stuff to the lines; never really did drama much, so this is like a visit to another country. 3) Your novel ways of showing deepening intimacy. The mousse they make for each other; the shared ritual of tea and honey; the questions they share. 4) Your use of words such as ferally. 5) Your attention to details (fuzzy, ginger cat hair). One question: What's a Kneazle?

Author's Response: *blush* Why thank you! I do try... *huge grin* As for what's a Kneazle--here you go: http://www.hp-lexicon.org/bestiary/bestiary_k.html#kneazle I'm glad you find my details engagin rather than tedious. LOL I know not everyone wants that sort of level of detailed description, but since I do, it's really the only way I can write! So glad you're safely back in the country, and thanks as always for reviewing! :)

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