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Reviews for Phantom of Hogwarts

Jane3332014.06.07 - 05:19PM70: 63- Showtime!Signed
I'm so happy for Snape :')

Author's Response: Hee! I'm glad you're still enjoying it. Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

magicalpresence2012.01.17 - 09:21AM70: 63- Showtime!Signed
Oh my GOD her MOTHER!!! Squiiiiicckkkkeddddd

Author's Response: ROFL!!! That awkward moment when your mum is all fawning on your boyfriend... (Yes, I'm evil.) Thanks for reviewing! :)

DistinctVagueness2010.11.22 - 05:12PM70: 63- Showtime!Signed
Oh, poor Severus! What an awkward situation to find yourself in....I daresay Mrs Granger wil be wearing a red face by the end of this story...

Author's Response: *sporfle* She's probably not the only one! Thanks again for reviewing! :)

phantomofhogwarts2009.03.30 - 09:25PM70: 63- Showtime!Signed
It was AWESOME!!!!!!! Hahaham poor Hermione having to deal with her mum...heck poor Severus her flirting with him like that! I really loved it, it was great!

Author's Response: LOL!! Mrs. Granger is really fun to write, I tell ya. *snerk* Thanks for reviewing! :)

Gin2008.12.31 - 01:36AM70: 63- Showtime!Signed
Omigosh!!! What a wonderfully written chapter! I feel as if I were one of those characters! I was so nervous, after all this time and reading through their rehearsals. I was literally bouncing in my seat, wringing my hands I was so anxious before the show! lol. Well done. Also, Mrs. Granger is such a tart! ^_^

Author's Response: ROFL!!! Mrs. Granger is just a bit... enthusiastic, that's all! *snerk* ;) So glad you enjoyed it so much, and thanks so much for reviewing! :)

joannie2008.08.03 - 08:13AM70: 63- Showtime!Signed
I came into this story late, but it has drawn me in. I know it will, but I don't want it to end. joannie

Author's Response: First off: Welcome! I'm glad you're enjoying it. As for ending... we have a little while yet. LOL Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

ElectricBloo2008.03.18 - 10:23AM70: 63- Showtime!Signed
Oh gawd, Mrs G is betting too bold by far, I don't know who to pity more - SS or HG. Cheers for posting.

Author's Response: It's pretty awkward, eh? And embarrassing. *snerk* Thanks for reviewing! :)

Pookah2008.03.10 - 05:41PM70: 63- Showtime!Signed
another excellent chapter. I'm not really keen on a lot of student-Hermione romances, but this one drew me in in spiteof my dislike for student/teacher romances. I think I have enjoyed it all the more for not being familiar with the play. You've describe it so well! I found this inadvertantly amusing: "Relief flooded Hermione that at least she didn’t have to worry about her father getting all “parental” on her." regarding Mr. Granger's understand that a kiss on stage is just a stage kiss. I cannot help but wonder what he'll think when she tells her parents of her plans to remain with Severus after she leaves school! Oh then her father will, indeed, 'go all parental ' on her.

Author's Response: LOL Yeah, I think that's amusing too, in an omg-dread-what-must-come sort of way. ;) I'm so flattered that you've enjoyed this story even thought you don't care for student-Hermione fics. I feel special! LOL Thank you so much for reviewing! :)

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