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Reviews for Phantom of Hogwarts

phantomofhogwarts2009.05.21 - 07:48AM77: 70- Of Magically Binding ThingsSigned
Oh its wonderful! I'm so glad for Hermione - still my heart pounds as the moment of discovery draws near *squee*

Author's Response: You're not the only one glad for Hermione. It's very important that she have a binding contract. LOL Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

Nocta2009.05.08 - 01:42AM77: 70- Of Magically Binding ThingsSigned
Great as always - been following this story almost since the beginning, through thick and thin, and I'm so glad that the end is almost here. The tension is getting thicker and Severus is about to propose very soon. I've had this picture in my mind since the last chapter of how he does it. They revise parts of the play for the Leaving Feast, and at the end of Point of No Return, Snape goes into "All I Ask of You (Reprise)" and it goes something like: Snape stood behind Hermione, gently yet possessively clutching her to his body. He crooned in her ear, "Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime..." He moved to her side, carefully grasping her hands. "You've led me, saved my from my solitude..." Meanwhile the boys at the Griffindor Table are noticing the change in lyrics, but Ginny elbows them and tells them to shut up. Snape paused, then continued, bringing her hands up to his face and closing his eyes. "Say you'll be here with me now and always..." He dropped to a knee, one hand reaching into his pocket and returning with a small box, before belting, "Anywhere you go let me go too, Hermione, that's all I ask of you." And then he flips open he box to show her the ring, and then pandemonium strikes. That's my view of how it goes, and until you finish the chapter, that's how I imagine it goes! Very well-written, especially in the later chapters, love the fic, keep it up.

Author's Response: LOL Well, I'm about to upload the next chapter tonight, so you'll get to see what happens very soon (once it clears the queue). Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

Sarah_Smiles2009.04.30 - 08:48PM77: 70- Of Magically Binding ThingsSigned
ps. this keyboard is the keyboard from hell and likes to write anything other then what i tell it to.

Author's Response: LOL No problem, darlin. I don't have a crappy keyboard, therefore I have no excuses for my typos and have to remember to proof my replies before hitting submit! ;)

Sarah_Smiles2009.04.30 - 08:46PM77: 70- Of Magically Binding ThingsSigned
i did a little hop skip and jump when i saw it was updated!!!! and im so excited your term is ending so we can see the next chapter sooner!!!!! i have a really selfish request for you to! after officially ending it, I would loe loe love to see an amazng epilogue abut how teir daugher sends them an olw saying that she got the lead in the next musical....or something like that hehe. as always im floored byt how you draw evryone in with amazng plot! YOUR AWESOME! lol ok ill stop with the ego trip ;)

Author's Response: LOL Glad you're enjoying it so much! I'm excited that I've already got about 3500 words into the next chapter, and we're at the Leaving Feast in it! Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

Half Blood Outcast2009.04.27 - 06:33PM77: 70- Of Magically Binding ThingsSigned
My dear, I've read the entire story up to this point and I have three things to say. . .BRILLIANT. AMAZING. HURRY THE BLOODY HELL UP AND FINISH IT! lol, I don't think Rowling herself could've done a better job!! I'm completely enraptured and I've lost many a night of sleep because I just could NOT wait to see what happened! God, this story is amazing!! I can't wait to see where your muse takes you (you better give her a cookie for all of this! ^O) You've got yourself a true fan here!

Author's Response: *blink blink* Wow! What a fantastic review! *beams and blushes* I'm so glad you've enjoyed it so much. You floored me with the JKR comment (and made my day!). Thank you so much for reviewing! :)

BlackScorpion2009.04.27 - 04:01PM77: 70- Of Magically Binding ThingsSigned
Damned girl, my heart is racing! All this talk about the ring, I'm anticipating so much I'm nearly fainting! I certainly hope you'll be able to get the next part up soon :). Great job, as usual!

Author's Response: *beams* Aww, thank you! I'm glad you're still enjoying it, and thanks as always for reviewing! :)

Horserider2009.04.25 - 03:54PM77: 70- Of Magically Binding ThingsSigned
It'll be a shame to see this end, but oh how I can't wait till the great Reveal! I can just feel it coming and it seems odd the characters who aren't in the know can't! ~HR

Author's Response: LOL It has had years of buildup, hasn't it? *headdesk* Thanks as always for reviewing! :)

Myene2009.04.24 - 07:57PM77: 70- Of Magically Binding ThingsSigned
Ooooh! What a tease! But come on, Snape isn't a December...most like an October...now, Hermonie/Dumbledore would be a may/december...and it would also be illeagle...or atleast, it should be

Author's Response: ROFL!!! Please don't put that image in my head... *snerk* Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

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