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Reviews for Phantom of Hogwarts

magicalpresence2012.01.10 - 03:13PM9: 9- Stunning Sights and Shocking RealizationsSigned
*Has swapped the frosties for guylian chocolates - considers the fact that she'll probably get fat from all this eating/reading* Oh Hermione, I'll gladly take him off your hands for you :D

Author's Response: Guylian chocolates? *Googles* Oh! I see. *blink blink* That would seem rather decadent, now wouldn't it? *snort* ;) Don't make yourself sick, darlin! Thanks again for reviewing :)

Drinking chocolate2010.11.16 - 01:35AM9: 9- Stunning Sights and Shocking RealizationsSigned
If Hermione doesn't like the predicament she's in, I'd gladly take it over for her.

Author's Response: BWAHAHAHAHA!!! That's awesome! *wicked grin* Yeah, I'd love to be the one playing opposite Snape like this, myself. Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

phantomofhogwarts2009.03.23 - 04:56PM9: 9- Stunning Sights and Shocking RealizationsSigned
I love how you put Harry and Ron in the story, acting so naturally like themselves. That's was pretty bad of Harry, I can't imagine what Hermione will do if she ever found out!! Poor Harry! Though I am hoping as I see your plethora of chapters that they will get their girls eventually. I can;t believe the story isn't completed! But then again, more for me to read yay! I saw the trailer - it's fantastic!!!She did a great job combining the two! I hope it brings more people to your story! And I'll do my best to review all the chapters!! (^)-^

Author's Response: I'm glad you're enjoying Harry and Ron, too. I'm trying to keep people as canon as possible while still allowing them room to grow as I see fit. LOL As for reviewing each chapter, you're not required to, and I am very grateful for all of them! :)

ElectricBloo2008.03.08 - 08:23PM9: 9- Stunning Sights and Shocking RealizationsSigned
Oh gawd, those flashbacks when snippets of memories return are cringe worthy and so well portrayed, I was physically grimacing from the sensations evoked by placing myself in HG's shoes as she relived them. Fabulous, cheers for posting.

Author's Response: Awww, you're so sweet! I love being able to affect my readers. Thanks again for reviewing! :)

Musidora2007.08.14 - 04:25AM9: 9- Stunning Sights and Shocking RealizationsSigned
I am amused to find that in her list of reasons not to continue thinking of snape in any way other than professional, harry was not mentioned. Also, I was wondering when you first starting writing this story because I think I might have started reading this story a long time ago, but I lost the bookmark I had for checking for updates.

Author's Response: Oh, darlin, I started this monster 3 years ago. *headdesk* Over half a million words later, and I'm fully entrenched. *snerk* Hope you enjoy it. Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

macropis2007.07.08 - 11:47AM9: 9- Stunning Sights and Shocking RealizationsSigned
Good lord!!! how have I not read this story until now? Its fabulous!

Author's Response: LOL!!! Wow! Um, I don't know, but I'm glad you're reading it now and enjoying it. Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

Guinnevere2006.08.25 - 05:34PM9: 9- Stunning Sights and Shocking RealizationsSigned
”She must be in there; and she’s listening to the play. But, if she’s in there, what is she doing?”
Harry, you prat! What do people usually do in the bathroom!? I know, I know: they flirt cautiously with Moaning Myrtle, and try to figure out the meaning of the Golden Egg for the Tri-Wizard Competition. Sheesh!

So then the little wanker - well... Harry is acting about as sensitive as Raoul does, so this is, like, type-casting, or what? (Good chapter.)

Author's Response: *claps hand over mouth to stifle the bark of hysterical laughter that erupts* O M G, that's hilarious! "they flirt cautiously with Moaning Myrtle, and try to figure out the meaning of the Golden Egg for the Tri-Wizard Competition" Guinnevere for the win!!! You rock... ;)

MegGranger2006.08.01 - 12:31AM9: 9- Stunning Sights and Shocking RealizationsSigned
Great chapter. Can't wait to read the next one.

Author's Response: Woot! Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

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