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Reviews for Phantom of Hogwarts

Goodhome2014.06.26 - 02:42PM15: 14- Mistakes and MiserySigned
God, I can not believe it. I've been looking forward to Harry and Hermione would prevent, for Professor Snape felt sad.

Author's Response: Aww, hang in there! I promise that there will eventually be a happy ending. ;) Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

incrediable love2011.05.23 - 10:13AM15: 14- Mistakes and MiserySigned
wow wow, hermione, i don't what to say. actually this is not hermione in my mind, attracted by both.... i don't like her like this

Author's Response: Well, considering that she started off with being attracted to Harry, then developed an attraction to Snape, but he's taboo, it's not unheard of for people to struggle with figuring out how to handle their attractions and infatuations. Add in that this is all pretty new territory for Hermione, and she's bound to make mistakes. But, unlike some people, at least she learns from her mistakes! ;) Things will get better as we go; I promise. Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

Drinking chocolate2010.11.18 - 09:20AM15: 14- Mistakes and MiserySigned
Argh! I know just how Hermione feels -- I often trip and fall over the unexpected reminders that HARRY is the hero of this series! I had to skim this chapter because I was terrified that Snape would find them right after Hermione let Harry give her an orgasm. As long as that didn't happen, *phew* I think I'm okay. I am not so strong. I don't have the stomach for this H/Hr when Snape is agonizing behind his office door!

Author's Response: ROFL!! I know a lot of folks were squicked by Harry and Hermione together at all, but I felt it had to go there in order for progress in other relationships to be made. Thanks again for reviewing! :)

phantomofhogwarts2009.03.23 - 07:48PM15: 14- Mistakes and MiserySigned
oh poor harry and hermione! and severus of course has to go rushing into the wrong conclusions! well it needed to happen even if it was a bit cruel for harry. perhaps him and ginny eill rekindle their romance? there really is no other girl for him

Author's Response: Life is cruel sometimes, and people make horrific mistakes. The best we can do is learn from them and try not to repeat them. Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

ElectricBloo2008.03.09 - 06:30PM15: 14- Mistakes and MiserySigned
Christ on a bleeding bike, what messes teenagers get themselves into (with a little help from an excellent writer lol). Fab as always, cheers for posting.

Author's Response: ROFL!! Well, I was a high school teacher and remained friends with several of my students after I quit, so I know these sort of things happen (and I had a regrettable experience in college myself). Thank you for your kind words! :)

JunoMagic2007.12.11 - 05:19PM15: 14- Mistakes and MiserySigned
Oh, GOD, you've got that almost adult, drama! queen teenaged behaviour down pat. Perfect. Really, really perfect. I love Ginny in this!

Author's Response: Well, I taught high school and remained friends with some of my old students, so I guess being around it rubs off. *snerk* As for Ginny, I've LOVED writing her in this, as she's my shameless self-insertion. LOL Glad you're enjoying it, and thanks so much for reviewing! :)

Guinnevere2006.08.26 - 07:24PM15: 14- Mistakes and MiserySigned
This chapter seemed to zoom by - the angst is believeable, and handled very deftly; good job!

Author's Response: Why thank you! I taught high school, so I got to witness a lot of teenage angst. *snerk* Glad it came across well. :)

MollysSister2006.05.05 - 12:37PM15: 14- Mistakes and MiserySigned
Well holy cats Good Witch that was a wretched wretched way to dump Harry. Not that I care so much, I mean really he is supposed to be with Draco. Ooopps too much slash reading again. I do think its going to be u-g-l-y once Harry figures out that she was using him after Snape turned her on initially. Such angst! Such misinterpreted signals and feelings. Good heavens. Will Snape and Hermione ever SEE each other? I cling to hope from the title of the next chapter.

Author's Response: "Holy cats"? LOL!!! Wretched is a good word for it... And it IS angst-ville right now, but that'll change. And for misinterpreted signals and feelings-- well, that's what happens in real life, in my experience. Simple misunderstandings always make for the biggest problems. Thanks again for reviewing! :)

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