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Reviews for Phantom of Hogwarts

magicalpresence2012.01.13 - 07:06AM25: 24- Behind the Scenes and In the PensieveSigned
Yay for 4,001 reviews! hehe.

Author's Response: Yay, indeed! Bless you, darlin. You're making my days over and over again. :D Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

phantomofhogwarts2011.01.27 - 06:05PM25: 24- Behind the Scenes and In the PensieveSigned
Oooh never mind, I have so many SS/HG stories under my belt now I tend to confuse them...I guess it didn't take long for them to admit their love, not just to themselves but each other! I must say, even though I have been in a serious relationship since i started the story and now am engaged to said person and have experienced all aspects of a relationship, I find it so hard to read very detailed intimacies in stories (which you can probably tell by the way i just phrased that!) I read through yours because I just LOVE your story and with the passion of phantom as a backdrop for this relationship it's so hard not to have intimacy...I still feel a bit awkward but I just love the couple, I love what you do with them and I love that they are not blindly enjoying each other but loving each other...though sometimes I have to skim just a little! Still I know all that is tome come and it is still good and essential to the story, i think to help them grow as they become closer and more loving and all!!

Author's Response: ROFL!! I hear ya on the things getting jumbled up part. ;) You've also hit upon something that is obviously very important to me: physical intimacy can be just as important as emotional intimacy, and they can strengthen each other. So, while I definitely like being able to write something that's "hot," I want that steamy factor to be something that also grabs the heart. Plus, I had an agenda of writing sex-type stuff as realistically as I could, without the "everything is automatically perfect" thing that annoys me in some fiction. LOL ;) So, yeah, the smut in this really isn't gratuitous and just for jollies, it's definitely for development of characters and the relationship. Thanks for such lovely, detailed reviews! :)

Drinking chocolate2010.11.20 - 10:14PM25: 24- Behind the Scenes and In the PensieveSigned
At last, someone gets to come! Phew! But he still hasn't seen her naked breasts! Oh, I see you have endless variety up your sleeve and intend to dole this out to your readers one...wee...bit at a time. Excuse me while I run get a fortifying snack.

Author's Response: BWAHAHAHAA!!!!! My nefarious plan is revealed! Well, I look at it this way: you can't go straight to the money shot, or all the times after it could get boring. ;P A fortifying snack is a good idea... LOL I love your reviews. Thank you so much! :)

Onexandxonly072010.07.12 - 09:16PM25: 24- Behind the Scenes and In the PensieveSigned
Ok this was awesome I really loved the detail in which you gave for the feelings of not having their memories the detail of it was wonderful! I really could feel not being able to remember something or having the feeling of thinking something but not being able to recall it!

Author's Response: LOL I quite enjoy having to come up with the stuff that doesn't get spelled out in canon. Glad you liked it too! Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

phantomofhogwarts2009.03.25 - 12:48PM25: 24- Behind the Scenes and In the PensieveSigned
Yay for the love! I'm glad they've got that straightened out! Though I'm sure it might get a little rocky sometimes since there are still quite a few months until graduation!

Author's Response: Oh, we have quite a rollercoaster to go... Thanks as always for reviewing! :)

ElectricBloo2008.03.10 - 10:05PM25: 24- Behind the Scenes and In the PensieveSigned
This chapter bought a whole new appreciation of back street alley ways to me. Cheers for posting.

Author's Response: ROFLMAO!!! *cough* Yes, well... *wicked grin* The forbidden makes things all the more exciting! Thanks so much for reviewing! :)

TheGreatOracle2008.01.14 - 09:59PM25: 24- Behind the Scenes and In the PensieveSigned
“Especially, don’t forget… I love you.” *sniffs* I sooo love this story! You're doing great! :D

Author's Response: Awwww, thank you! *beams* And thanks for the continued support! :)

Guinnevere2006.08.29 - 05:32AM25: 24- Behind the Scenes and In the PensieveSigned
*SIGH* I just love the scent of lemon in the morning... A good tease, of the 'oo, you know they want to, but not yet, not yet, not juuuuust yet...' (but almost) variety can be so invigorating!

I can recall taking a 'stagecraft' course myself, long ago, which included a tour of the theater and its many mysteries. Especially I recall being herded along with the rest of the class, up the spiral staircase to the catwalks high in the stage house. Our guide wanted to impress us with just how high up we were - not that anyone seemed oblivious of the fact - and he remarked that a hammer, carelessly dropped from that height, would go straight through the solid wood floor of the stage below. Yikes.

Severus' and Hermione's encounter in the alley had to be shielded from the eyes of Muggles, of course, but magical folk can often see things that Muggles can't. Did they need to be invisible to each other? Or was it just an added turn-on? I'm not sure what I think of the idea of being - y'know, invisible. I'll have to give it some more thought... Anyway, good chapter!

Author's Response: The thing about that Concealment Charm is that it conceals people/things from others, including themselves. Remember, when Hermione looked at herself the first time he cast the charm, she saw herself going all fuzzy. LOL It's also just fun that way. *snerk* It's like being blindfolded, but not really. But you do have the added excitement of not knowing exactly what the other person is doing, since you can see, and your other senses get heightened. *cough* ...not that I necessarily have experience being blindfolded... *cough* Oh, please, who am I kidding? ;)

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