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Phantom of Hogwarts by Good_Witch [Reviews - 86]

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Author's Note: To see just how Real Life keeps butting in the way of my writing, check out my LJ at http://www.livejournal.com/users/pern_dragon. Oodles of thanks go out to the lovely Lotm, who not only lovingly betas for me, but also provided me with the utterly brilliant Chapter title. A flash of pure genius, my dear! LOL I have to take a moment to pimp Lotm's Mobsite to those of you who have not yet seen it. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MoITWF And I HIGHLY recommend reading her fics there! (Especially In Annulo, her latest story of incredibly in depth intrigue and suspense, liberally laced with lemony goodness!) Okay, now that I've pimped, I shall bring on the next installment of PoH. Thank you, you marvelously loyal readers who make my heart go thump with every read and with every review. *hugs and smooches!*

Chapter 41- Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble

Snape ignored the persistent tingle of the alarm for a while—long enough that it actually began making noise. Finally, in a flare of groggy petulance, he flailed toward his nightstand, smacking at the offending clock. His disoriented fumbling knocked against the concealed photo frame, sending it clattering to the floor, and jolting him awake in a flash, a shock of apprehension washing over him at the ominous tinkling sound of glass.

Bollocks! Please tell me it’s not broken… Snatching his wand and snapping, “Lumos!” he rolled to the edge of the bed, peering down at the shards of glass that littered the floor by his nightstand. With a sinking feeling in his gut, he held his breath as he gingerly reached for the frame, picking it up and turning it over to assess the damage. Heaving a relieved sigh, he noted that the photo was intact, even though the glass had broken. Waving his wand at it, he murmured, “Reparo,” and watched the glass knit back together.

Cradling the repaired frame in his hands, he rolled onto his back, gazing pensively at the picture as he propped it on his chest. His stomach roiled with conflicting emotions.

After rehearsal the night before, he had marched Draco down to the Slytherin dorm, coldly silent. When he had seen that the boy was safely within the dungeons, he had retreated to his quarters, still seething with anger and hurt at what he saw as Hermione’s betrayal. Unable to forget the images that had replayed over and over in his mind—of Hermione and Colin, and even Hermione and Harry—he had tried to distract himself by reading, to no avail. Eventually, he fell into a fitful sleep plagued by nightmares, giving him no rest, and resulting in the morning’s bad start.

Although he was still angry, he was more in control of himself. Plus, he had more than just anger to come to terms with, especially after his reaction to the possibility that he had damaged Hermione’s gift to him. If he were angry enough at her that he no longer wanted to be with her, he wouldn’t have been so panicked at the thought that he had broken the frame. Even now, as he gazed at the picture, his chest tightened painfully with both love and hurt.

Face it, old chap, you’ve got a lot to work out now. Can you forgive her? Should you forgive her? He looked at Hermione’s radiant smile in the photo and remembered how happy they had been in their stolen moments together. His throat tightened, and he closed his eyes, only to see another replay of her kissing Colin. Scowling at the impotent fury that welled up, he shot up, dropping the frame to the bed between his knees, and running his hands through his hair. No! It’s not that simple! She’s the one who betrayed me. I can’t go on like nothing happened… I can’t stop seeing what happened, every time I close my eyes! I will not be trod on like this. With that, he slammed his hands on the bed and set the frame back on the nightstand, muttering the concealment charm in passing as he rose to get ready for breakfast.

Down in the Great Hall, the few students who had remained over the holiday were trickling in. Snape sat at the High Table and glared at everyone impartially. He had irritably noted that he looked like hell when he had seen his reflection before showering. Bitterly, he had refused to care, thinking, Who am I supposed to try to look good for anyway? I’ve never been handsome, nor will I ever be, and everyone should just get used to it!

Even as he wallowed in his self-pity, he couldn’t help but perk up in attention when he saw some Gryffindors entering the Hall. Ducking his head and peering through his hair, he waited for Hermione to arrive. But, she never did. Even when Harry and Ginny walked in holding hands, they were unaccompanied by their bushy-haired friend. Then, a few moments later, Ron entered, alone, only to make a beeline to the Hufflepuff table to join Susan. Frowning, Snape was wondering where Hermione could be, and fighting a niggling spike of apprehension, when Colin arrived. Suddenly, all concern for her whereabouts and well-being fled his thoughts, crowded out by a surge of hatred and fury at the sight of the boy who had dared to accost the woman he loved.

Colin scanned the Gryffindor table eagerly, then frowned in disappointment as he sat, realizing that Hermione wasn’t there. As he ate, he kept glancing toward the doorway, obviously waiting for Hermione to show up.

Snape watched him, completely absorbed in the task. Thus, he never noticed that Ginny was eyeing him keenly.

Ginny noticed that both Colin and Snape had been keeping an eye on the doorway, and she had seen Snape’s reaction to the boy when he had entered. Thinning her lips grimly, she cast a glance at Harry, who was in conversation with Neville about Parvati, then looked back at Snape, hoping to catch his eye.

Ginny had gone by Hermione’s room the night before, but the other girl had refused to answer the door. The same thing had happened that morning, when Ginny had gone by to try to convince Hermione to come to breakfast. She had knocked and called, but there had been no answer. Resigned to trying again later, she had joined Harry to head downstairs. If only she could get Snape’s attention, she could find some way to tell him how distraught Hermione was, and how it wasn’t her fault that Colin had kissed her. But, the sullen man only had eyes for the boy who was the focus of his ire.

After he had eaten, Colin simply sat, waiting, watching the doorway. Finally, as breakfast was drawing to a close, he got up and sat near Ginny. Taking a deep breath and shooting a glance at Snape, who was glowering at them, she turned to Colin and said, “What’s up, Colin?”

In a too-bright voice, he said, “I haven’t seen Hermione yet. She’s cutting it kind of close, isn’t she?”

Ginny regarded him gravely and spoke in measured tones. “I haven’t seen her this morning, but I’m fairly certain that she’s skipping breakfast today. You shouldn’t wait for her, Colin.”

“Oh! Then I’ll go back to the common room and wait for her there—”

Ginny interrupted him. “Don’t!” There was an awkward pause, until she continued in a low voice, “I said you shouldn’t wait for her. I didn’t mean just here. I meant at all.” Colin’s eyes widened and his smile faded. Grimacing, she said, “Look, she doesn’t like you that way. You know that. She told you herself. Just… leave her alone. She’s your friend, and nothing more. You need to accept that. Why keep chasing after her?” The question was really rhetorical, so she was unprepared for his quick retort.

“Why not? It worked for you.”

Blinking in confusion, she said, “Huh?”

Colin leant closer and murmured, “It worked for you. You and Harry got back together. Persistence paid off for you. Why shouldn’t it pay off for me too?”

Ginny felt herself go pale, then redden. Her mouth went slack, and she struggled for words. “I… but… you’re… it’s… Colin! I love him!” Discomfited, she glanced around furtively, noting that Snape was still watching them through narrowed eyes. Desperate to make him see reason, she favoured Colin with a heavy glare and said, “I’ve loved Harry for years. It’s different. Can you honestly say you’re in love with Hermione?” Scepticism saturated her question.

Colin flushed and looked at his lap, where he had a napkin crumpled in his fists. “I… I think she’s really great…”

Ginny patted his shoulder awkwardly and said, “But that’s not the same as being in love. See? You need to let it go. She’s not interested in you that way. Please, Colin, if you want her to be happy, just back off.”

Colin looked crushed, and Ginny cringed in sympathy, but when she looked back up at Snape, her determination to steer Colin as far away from Hermione as was humanly possible strengthened under the menacing gaze of their Potions Master.

Colin nodded faintly and stood. “Um… I’ll see you later, Ginny. Bye.” With that, he spun and trudged away and out of the Hall. Ginny watched him go, then heaved a sigh of relief when he was gone. Casting a glance back at Snape, she finally caught his eye. Pinned by his black gaze, she rolled her eyes toward Colin’s retreating form and shook her head faintly, trying to give him a reproachful look. His expression didn’t change. Afraid she might be caught staring at Snape, she glanced around casually. By the time she looked back at him, he had shot to his feet and had begun storming out of the Hall through the staff entrance. Anxiously watching him go, she was surprised when he snapped a cold glare at her over his shoulder before he exited.

Sagging in her seat, she resolved to get the details from Hermione soon, so she could help figure out how to fix things. Not only was Hermione her friend, but she had developed a newfound appreciation for her Potions Master, who had been remarkably more civil since he had begun his relationship with Hermione. So, as altruistic as it all seemed, trying to straighten out this lovers’ quarrel, she did have a vested interest in keeping Snape happy too!

When she and Harry returned to the common room, Harry resignedly went off to work on his homework, and Ginny took the opportunity to beard the lion in its den, heading to Hermione’s room.

Knocking on the door, she called, “’Mione? It’s me, Ginny. We missed you at breakfast. Can I come in?”

In the pause that followed, she could hear Crookshanks meowing, but Hermione didn’t answer. “Come on. I need to talk to you.” Knocking harder, she leant against the door and pressed her ear against the wood. Muffled sounds of movement spurred her to say, “I can hear you in there. Please open the door!”

A low, “Go away,” met her ear.

Rolling her eyes, Ginny continued, “Hermione, if you don’t open this door, I’m still coming in.” She heard a frustrated wail and a sniff, but still, the door remained closed. After counting to one hundred in her head, Ginny stood back and tried the doorknob. It was locked. With a smirk, she muttered, “Alohomora,” and tried again. It still wouldn’t budge. So, cocking her head, she whispered the password that Hermione had used to set the wards for her and Harry on New Year’s Eve. It worked. Smiling in triumph, she opened the door, only to be met with a dishevelled Hermione whirling in her desk chair and pointing her wand at Ginny’s face.

“What are you doing?” Hermione’s eyes were red and puffy, but they were wide with indignation at Ginny’s entry. There was a pile of parchment on the desk, and wads of crumpled parchment all around her on the floor. There was a bottle half-full of ink, and a quill lay where Hermione had dropped it in despair.

Ginny held her hands up and out in a gesture of appeasement and said, “I told you I’d get in. You never reset the password for the wards.” Hermione sagged and lowered her wand, listlessly crossing to her bed, where she curled up in a ball near the headboard. Dropping her hands and shutting the door behind her, Ginny crossed to Hermione’s bed and sat on the edge. Gently, she said, “I’m worried about you. You wouldn’t answer the door last night or this morning, you skipped breakfast, and now you still want me to go away. Talk to me, please?”

Hermione stared at Ginny in misery. “I don’t know what to do. He was so hateful! And I can’t even talk to him. I wouldn’t know what to say even if I could. I’ve been trying to write to him, but everything I write comes out all wrong! I finally had to give up, or I’d waste all of my Disappearing Ink. What’s the use of writing to him when he hates me? Oh gods, Ginny, what am I going to do? I can’t bear it. It hurts so much…” She buried her face in her hands again and choked back a sob.

Ginny sat beside Hermione and hugged her. “Just tell me what happened, and I promise I’ll help as much as I can.”

Hermione wiped her eyes and sniffled. “Colin ambushed me outside my door as I was leaving to meet Severus, and he told me he liked me. I told him I only liked him as a friend, and he looked crushed. I was late getting to Severus’s because of Colin. So, Severus was already upset that I was late, especially since we hadn’t seen each other since rehearsal, and he got me all flustered. You know how he does…” Ginny nodded and patted Hermione’s shoulder encouragingly. “Well, he made a comment about the only other time I had ever been late for an appointment with a teacher was when I had been snogging Harry in the corridor, but that he certainly couldn’t expect that to be the case this time.” Hermione paused, gazing piteously at Ginny. “I knew I had to tell him about Colin sometime, so I figured I should get it out of the way.”

Ginny’s eyes widened in horror and then she grimaced in sympathy. “Oh, Hermione… You shouldn’t have brought up something like that when he was already upset. That’s just asking for trouble!”

Hermione’s face crumpled. Defeated, she wailed, “I know that now! So, I said that Colin had made me late, but that he hadn’t snogged me this time.” Again, Ginny’s eyes went wide. Before she could comment, Hermione continued, “It was awful! He grabbed my wrist and was squeezing it so hard it hurt. The look in his eyes when he turned around and said, ‘This time?’ killed me. So, I tried to make it better, and I said something about how he had seen Colin kiss me at the Christmas party, but then he used Legilimency on me!” Even in her despair, her righteous indignation burst forth.

Ginny jerked back in shock. “He what? Just out of nowhere? Did he say anything first?”

Hermione shook her head vehemently. “He got so angry. And I didn’t know what to do. Then I snapped back at him for invading my privacy like that without asking, and said he had abused my trust in him by violating me like that.”

With a groan, Ginny lifted her hands heavenward and then covered her face, shaking her head. Faintly, she said, “Oh, no. You didn’t.”

Shrinking in on herself again, Hermione sniffed and mumbled, “I did. He acted like I had slapped him in the face…”

Ginny cut in, “Of course he did!” Taking a deep breath, she dropped her hands and looked pityingly at Hermione. “I can’t believe you both cocked things up so royally. Now I understand why he’s so upset, and why he acted the way he did at rehearsal.”

Anxiously, Hermione eyed her friend. “Why?”

Gently capturing Hermione’s hands in hers, Ginny began, “You said yourself that he was already upset, and that he had mentioned you kissing Harry. So, he was already paranoid that you didn’t want to see him, and imagining you with another man is his worst fear. When you just blurted out that you had been with Colin, he already felt betrayed. Now, I figure, you hadn’t objected to him using Legilimency on you before, so he probably didn’t think you would mind. I mean, you had even welcomed it before when you two had problems to work out. Then, seeing Colin kissing you just realized all his worst fears. He felt betrayed and probably jealous too.”

Hermione interrupted with a wan, “He said that I had let him do it, and I hadn’t even done anything to stop it.”

Ginny nodded sagely. “Exactly. He probably feels like you should have shoved him away or something.”

Worrying her hands in her lap, Hermione mumbled, “I was too shocked. He took me completely off guard. But, I still felt guilty. That’s when I yelled at him for violating me.”

Ginny cringed. “And that’s another thing…” Hermione nodded, ashamed. “That’s a really extreme word, Hermione. You said he promised you he’d never hurt you. I can’t really blame him for feeling like that was a slap in the face. I mean, he just did something he had done before, and you hadn’t had a problem with it then, so you can’t really expect him to think you’d feel so strongly about it this time. Plus… it’s not like he raped you or beat you up or anything. And that’s what I think of when I hear the word ‘violate.’” She paused for effect, letting her words sink in.

Hermione gazed at her, comprehension dawning. After a moment of utter astonishment, her face fell, and she whispered, “What am I supposed to do, Ginny? I made things worse, and I don’t know how to make them better.”

Ginny hugged her again and said, “I’ll try to talk to him. Maybe he’ll have calmed down a bit by now. I have to tell you something else though…”

Hermione looked up wearily. “What now?”

“Colin kept looking for you at breakfast. When it was almost over, and you hadn’t arrived, he sat by me and asked about you. I told him to quit waiting for you, and he said he’d wait up here, but then I told him to quit waiting for you at all, and to give up and stop chasing you.”

“Thank you…”

“Hang on, there’s more.” Ginny’s voice was grim, and Hermione thinned her lips in worry. “He shot back by saying it worked for me, so why shouldn’t it work for him?”

“What worked for you?”


There was a heavy silence. Hermione rolled her eyes and groaned, “Oh, no.”

Ginny nodded and added, “I know. I tried to get through to him, and it may have worked, but I can’t be sure.” Hermione nodded, dejected. “And, there’s one more thing.”

Grimacing at Ginny, Hermione breathed, “What?”

Attempting an encouraging air, Ginny retorted, “Snape kept looking for you, too.” Hermione blinked in surprise. “He looked really angry when Colin came in and kept waiting for you, but after I shooed him off, I caught Snape’s eye and rolled my eyes after Colin, trying to get the point across that you don’t want anything to do with him, and that you’re really upset about the whole thing too. He stalked off, but he did look back at me before he left. I’m pretty sure I can talk to him. Don’t worry; it’ll all get better. Somehow.” She gave Hermione a very determined look, and the other girl managed a watery smile.

“Thanks, Ginny. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

The redhead grinned mischievously and said, “Well, first, you’d starve…” With that, she pulled a shrunken plate from her pocket, performed the reversal spell, and flourished a plate of toast and bacon at Hermione.

Dissolving into a smile of gratitude, Hermione took the plate, but she set it aside to embrace Ginny. In a low, shaky voice, she said, “Thank you.”

Ginny pulled back and coaxed, “Come to lunch, please?”

Hermione nodded and sighed. “I will. Listen, let me shower and change. I need to start thinking positively. I’ll eat, I promise.”

Ginny stood and said, “You better. See you later. And try not to worry yourself sick. We’ll work things out.” And with that parting admonition, she departed, leaving Hermione to her self-appointed tasks.

At lunch that day, Hermione forced herself to join Ginny in the Great Hall. Ginny, for her part, played the bodyguard role to perfection, keeping Colin away from her fragile friend. Even Harry remarked on how poorly Hermione looked, recommending that she see Madam Pomfrey to ward off whatever it was she might be coming down with, especially since term was about to start and they couldn’t have her missing rehearsals as well. Listlessly agreeing to go to the hospital wing later, Hermione cast a woeful glance at the High Table, where Snape slouched in his chair, sullenly scowling at everything in his field of vision.

After a short period, during which Hermione noticed Colin repeatedly looking her way, she gave up on suffering through the rest of lunch and stood, waving reassuringly in response to Ginny’s concerned expression. “I’m fine. I’m just not very hungry. Yes, Harry, I’ll go see Madam Pomfrey. See you later.” Then, cutting a glance from Ginny to Colin and then to the High Table and back to Ginny, she chewed her lip and turned away.

As Hermione was disappearing from the Hall, Colin rose to follow her, but Ginny had been waiting for such an instance and spun to stop him. Whirling on the bench, she stuck her foot out in front of him and grabbed his wrist. Almost tripping over her, Colin yelped and shot a glance at Ginny, confused inquiry written on his face. Stonily, Ginny murmured, “I told you to back off.”

Colin scowled and said, “I just want to check on her. She doesn’t look too good.”

Harry, having heard Colin’s comment, interjected with a reassuring, “No worries, mate, she’s going to see Madam Pomfrey. She promised me.” Beaming smugly, he nodded and returned to his meal.

Ginny cast a swift glance at Snape, who was seething as he stared at them, and set her teeth. In a low voice, so she wouldn’t be overheard, she said, “Nice try, Colin, but you’re the last thing she needs to worry about dealing with right now. She’ll be fine. Give her some space. I mean it!” Tightening her grip on Colin’s arm, she pinned him with a fierce glare, emphasizing her command.

Colin’s eyes went wide at her manner, but he tugged his arm free and stepped back, conceding defeat for the moment. Disturbed by her vehemence, he muttered, “Okay, okay. Never mind.” Backing carefully away, he sat back down and stared moodily into his plate.

Closing her eyes in relief, Ginny sighed, then glanced at Snape again. He glared at her for a moment before shooting to his feet and sweeping out of the Hall. Hanging her head wearily, she thought, Oh for heaven’s sake, this is gonna’ be a tough one.

Hermione dutifully visited Madam Pomfrey, who gave her some Pepperup Potion and instructed her to take the full dose with her meal that evening. Thus it was that Hermione sat in the Great Hall for dinner, with steam shooting out of her ears, in the middle of the noisy throng made up of all of the students who had just returned from their holidays.

In the animated chatter and high spirits, it was easier to pretend that all of the drama of her personal life was not happening, and Hermione gratefully grasped the distractive lifeline of talking to several of her schoolmates about their holidays. Still, her appetite was minimal, and her smile a little more of the pasted-on variety, but no one seemed to think anything was amiss other than the obvious need for the Pepperup Potion.

Snape, from his vantage point, felt a pulse of anxiety at the sight of Hermione with steaming ears, worrying about her health. Then, as he covertly watched her through dinner, he noted that even though she appeared to be cheerfully engaged in conversation with other students, he could tell that she was not truly herself, and she was hiding her real feelings from everyone. Remorse and concern warred with anger and hurt. Yes, he was still angry. Yes, he still felt hurt and betrayed. But, seeing Hermione’s condition, and how miserable she seemed to be, in addition to the fact that she was avoiding Colin like the plague, made him wonder if he mightn’t give in a little on the chance for them to work things out after all.

Dinner lasted quite a while, and with rather the air of a party. The noise level grated on Snape’s nerves, causing his temples to throb with a dull ache. Resolving to take a headache draught when he reached his quarters, he left the Hall, absorbed in thought about how to handle things with Hermione.

Once Snape had left, Hermione felt the tension drain out of her at once, leaving her fatigued in the face of all the mirthful energy around her. Claiming she still felt a bit ill, she skived off to the Tower, leaving the rest of the students to continue their raucous welcome back.

Monday’s classes went smoothly, and the professors were all eager to get the students back into the work routine after the holiday. Hermione was grateful that she was back in classes, as they gave her something else to focus on, and they kept her away from Colin. At each meal, Ginny shadowed Hermione faithfully, repeatedly thinking about what she could do to help her friend.

Tuesday, Ginny had Potions class. She arrived early, hoping to get a chance to speak to Snape about Hermione, but he didn’t arrive until the period was about to begin. He swept in, robes swirling in characteristic fashion, and behaved in his usual sour manner. Vainly trying to catch his eye, Ginny realized that he was avoiding her gaze.

As the period wore on, Ginny started to feel desperate. Finally, on impulse, she fished a piece of Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum out of her bag and started chewing feverishly on it. While everyone was concentrating on the last stages of their potions, Ginny started blowing huge bluebell-coloured bubbles that wafted about the classroom. As surreptitiously as she could, she directed one particularly large bubble toward Snape, who was focused on the essay in front of him. As it floated into his field of vision, bouncing lightly on the desk, he scowled, looking at it with a bewildered expression.

Snape looked up and gazed about the room, seeing bubbles dancing around students’ heads, wafting along on the steam from their cauldrons. One by one, the students glanced around in confusion, and a low mutter rippled over the class. Slamming his quill on the desk, Snape peered around the room for the culprit, eyes blazing. When his gaze passed over Ginny, she stared brazenly at him and gave a decided chomp. He stopped, pinning her with a steely cold glare. Around her, students were stifling giggles as they batted the bubbles away from their faces.

In a deadly hiss, Snape said, “Miss Weasley! How dare you disrupt my class with what has clearly been listed as banned material?” She held his gaze, greatly daring, and he sucked in a breath at her cheek. At another stifled giggle, he snapped his eyes from hers and roared, “Stop batting at them, you imbeciles! You’re just making it worse!” With that, he shot to his feet and pointed his wand at each bubble, Vanishing them one after another, until the air was once again clear. In a growl, he added, “Class is almost over. Decant your potions now and clean up.” Glaring at Ginny again, he stalked toward her desk, towering over her. Jaw twitching as he clenched his teeth, he rumbled, “Spit it out, Miss Weasley.”

Ginny simply sat there, staring up at his angry countenance. Then, she chomped again and deliberately blew another bubble. A gasp of fearful astonishment whooshed through the room, followed by an expectant hush. Snape’s eyes narrowed, even as his brows rose. Ginny swallowed nervously as the lone bubble blithely bobbed up toward him.

Snape’s hand snapped up to grip the bubble with lightning speed. Several people gasped again. Then, holding her gaze, he tightened his grip, and the bubble burst with a loud pop. Every student jumped. In an icy whisper, Snape said, “Remain after class, Miss Weasley. Twenty points from Gryffindor for insolence.”

Throat dry, Ginny rasped, “Yes, sir.” As Snape straightened, he blanketed the room with a baleful glare and barked, “Finish your work! All of you! Or you shall all lose House points.” Everyone lurched into action, and in the frenzy, Snape glanced back at Ginny. He was completely stunned to see her shoot him a shaky, conspiratorial smile. Blinking, he spun on his heel and retreated to his desk, where he focused on the samples that were being turned in.

When everyone else had scurried from the classroom, away from Snape’s wrath, Ginny remained. As soon as the room was clear, Ginny whipped out her wand and cast a locking and Silencing Charm on the door, causing Snape to marvel at her, utterly dumbfounded. Finding his voice, he hissed, “Just what do you think you’re doing, you impudent girl?”

Carried away by the adrenaline rush of her audacity, Ginny turned and strode purposefully to Snape’s desk, lips thin in determination. Stepping onto the dais, she leant forward, hands on his desk, looking him full in the face as he stared back, incredulous.

“It’s about Hermione.” Her voice was low but intense.

At her words, Snape’s brows drew together and he frowned. “You are here to discuss the details of your detention for disrupting my class, Miss Weasley, not anything else!”

Tossing her head impatiently, she scowled right back at him and snapped, “She’s ruddy well miserable, and it’s your fault!”

Taken aback by her accusation, he instantly retorted, “My fault?! She’s the one who betrayed me, and that’s my fault?” As soon as the words left his mouth, he realized what he had said and clamped his lips shut. Attempting to regain control of himself and this interview, he growled, “I am not having this conversation with you, Miss Weasley…”

Before he could continue, Ginny interrupted, “You better! I’m the only one here you can have this conversation with, sir.” She tilted her chin up and defiantly held his outraged gaze.

Nostrils flaring in anger, he spat, “My personal life is none of your business!”

Again, Ginny quickly countered, “Hermione is my business, and she’s worried herself sick over you! Or hadn’t you noticed the steam pouring out of her ears?” Her tone was scathing, and Snape bridled, goaded to respond.

“How dare you presume to know anything…”

Jerking her head and tossing her hair, she barked, “She told me what happened! I know Colin kissed her. I know she cocked up telling you about it. I know you used Legilimency on her. I know she hurt you!” After that rapid-fire list, she paused, her gaze softening. “But you hurt her too. And I can’t stand by and watch her suffering like this. I’m trying to help.” At that, she stood up and crossed her arms over her chest. “Honestly, Professor, since when would I chew gum in class? It was all a plan to make you keep me after class so I could talk to you. Truthfully, I really don’t care for Drooble’s all that much.” With that statement, she cocked one corner of her mouth up in a wry half-smile, and tilted her head, regarding him frankly.

Snape sat, stunned. Who is this witch? Sweet Circe, do Molly and Arthur know what they’ve spawned? There was a tense silence that stretched longer and longer, but Ginny showed no signs of backing down. Finally, Snape thawed a trifle and muttered simply, “She betrayed me.”

Feeling weak with the relief flooding her, Ginny heaved a huge sigh and said, “He kissed her. She didn’t want it.”

Folding his arms defensively, Snape rumbled, “She didn’t stop him. I saw it myself.”

Planting her hands on her hips and tilting her head again, she favoured him with an aggrieved glare and said, “She was in shock! Haven’t you ever been so surprised by something that you couldn’t react right away?”

Snape cut a glance at her and sulked. Unbidden, the first kiss he and Hermione had shared replayed in his mind. Yes, he had experienced that situation before. Still… Glaring at Ginny, he refused to answer.

Knowing she had won a minor point, she continued. “She told him she didn’t like him. Surely you realize that.” Again, Snape glared at her, silent. “Now, about the Legilimency… You shouldn’t have done that.”

Stung, he shot forward in his chair, indignant. “What? She was trying to hide the truth from me! And she didn’t object before!”

Closing her eyes and grimacing, Ginny stretched her hands forward placatingly. “I know! But, she was just trying to figure out how to tell you the truth without hurting you so much, especially since she already felt guilty that it had happened in the first place. And, you did just barge into her head without so much as a by your leave.” She cast him a reproachful look.

Anger boiled up again within Snape, and his eyes narrowed on the brash girl in front of him. In a cold whisper, he said, “Did she tell you what she said to me?” He felt himself coiling to strike, and was abruptly robbed of the wind in his sails by the limpid sympathy in Ginny’s eyes as she simply answered, “Yes.”

Blinking at her, his mouth worked soundlessly as she dropped her hands in front of her and ducked her head, murmuring, “She told me. And you’re right. She overreacted. I told her that, and she feels horrible about it.” She glanced up at him again, imploring him to understand. In a quiet tone, she continued, “In all fairness, you both could have handled things better. But, I can understand where you’re both coming from. That’s the advantage of being on the outside of it, you know…” She gave him a wan smile, and he blinked at her again, deflating into his chair. “But let me ask you this: you obviously are angry at Colin for accosting Hermione without invitation, but how is it any different from you accosting her mind without permission?” She regarded him seriously for a long moment, and Snape’s face went slack and pale as her words sunk in.

He closed his eyes and tilted his head forward, shaking his hair forward to cloak his face in his shame. As he brought one hand up to pass over his eyes and rub his forehead, Ginny murmured, “Please, talk to her? Can’t you forgive her? Is one mishap worth ruining all that you’ve enjoyed so far?”

Suddenly weary from the whirlwind of emotions, Snape sagged back in his chair and opened his eyes. The silence wore on, heavy and waiting. Without looking at her, Snape murmured, “How can you stand it?”

Frowning in confusion, Ginny faltered, “Stand what?”

Again, his voice barely audible, he spoke. “Seeing them together, kissing, holding each other…”

Even more perplexed, Ginny queried, “Who? Hermione and Colin? I told you, she doesn’t like him…”

Snape cut her off with an impatient toss of his head. “Not them!” He paused, clearly gathering the courage to speak again. In a whisper, he continued, “How do you stand watching your paramour being intimate with your friend?” His lips twisted as he drawled the word “paramour,” distastefully referring to Harry.

Ginny’s brows shot up in comprehension. “Oh! Them…” She blinked a few times, considering her answer. “I don’t like it, certainly, but I just get over it. I mean, it’s just acting. It doesn’t mean anything, you know?” She grimaced at the black look he levelled at her. “Oh, sorry… Guess you don’t, or you wouldn’t be asking.”

A growled, “Indeed,” countered her remark.

Taking a deep breath and resettling her shoulders, she barrelled on, “Hermione loves Harry—like a brother!” she added hastily at the sight of Snape bristling. Rolling her eyes, she doggedly persisted, “She’s not in love with him. She’s in love with you.” At the almost bashful way Snape averted his eyes, Ginny smiled. Saucily, she lilted, “Besides, I know who he’s going home with at the end of the night, if you catch my drift.”

Snape’s eyes snapped up to meet hers, taken aback by her implication. Then, after staring at her for a moment incredulously, he shook himself, snorting, and saying acidly, “Believe me, Miss Weasley, when I say that I have been studiously trying to banish that memory from my mind.”

Ginny flushed uncomfortably at the reminder, and ducked her head. In an embarrassed mumble, she said, “Sorry, sir.”

There was an awkward pause. Unsure of what to say, Snape flicked a glance at Ginny and waved his hand at her. “Gather your things. Report to my office Monday at 7:00 for detention.”

Ginny’s jaw dropped, and it was her turn to look gobsmacked. Her voice a squeak, she queried, “Sir?”

Rolling his eyes irritably, he snapped, “While I understand your motives now, Miss Weasley, I cannot allow your misbehaviour to go unpunished.”

Righteous indignation sparked in Ginny’s brown eyes, and she opened her mouth to retort, but shut it again with a snap, bright pink spots burning into her cheeks. Abruptly, she spun and charged to her seat, where she angrily shoved her materials into her bag.

Snape drummed his fingers on his desk, watching her fierce actions. When she was done, she stiffened and cut a livid glance at him, biting out, “Are we done then, sir?”

Nodding curtly, Snape flicked his wand at the door, unlocking it and lifting the Silencing Charm. Ginny tilted her chin up haughtily and marched to the door. But, before she opened it, Snape called, “Miss Weasley!”

Without turning around, she snapped a frosty, “Sir?”

There was a pause, then Snape said softly, “Please tell Miss Granger that I look forward to meeting with her tonight before rehearsal.”

Ginny’s shoulders relaxed, and her voice was a tone warmer as she said, “I will.” Then, she reached for the doorknob, only to be interrupted by Snape again.

“Another thing, Miss Weasley…”

“What’s that, sir?”

A ripple of amusement in his voice made her turn a puzzled look over her shoulder as Snape said, “Do try to remember that we have to maintain my reputation. Show up Monday at 7:00, but feel free to bring whatever you may need to do for homework that evening.” He cocked one eyebrow and one corner of his mouth lifted. “Good day, until we meet again at rehearsal.” With that, he inclined his head in a polite bow, once again throwing Ginny for a loop.

As she stood there staring at him, mouth half-open in amazement, his lips curved in a wicked grin of smug amusement. Gathering her scattered wits, she cottoned on to his remark and shook herself, casting an aggrieved glare at him before finally dissolving into a relieved smile. “Indeed, Professor. Good day to you.” It was with a considerably lighter heart that she exited the classroom, eagerly anticipating telling Hermione the good news.

Hermione was already in the Great Hall for lunch when Ginny arrived, making a beeline to sit beside her. The air of suppressed excitement hovering about the redhead made Hermione’s heart throb in her chest, and she felt light-headed with hope. Not daring to take her eyes off her friend, Hermione gripped Ginny’s elbow as she sat next to her on the bench. Throat tight, she rasped, “What’s going on?”

Ginny settled herself and scanned the Hall quickly before leaning closer to Hermione and grinning triumphantly. Brown eyes sparkling, she whispered, “He says to tell you he looks forward to meeting with you before rehearsal tonight.”

A wave of relief crashed over Hermione so forcefully that she swayed in her seat, eyelids fluttering. Unbidden, tears welled up, and she buried her face in her hands, choking back a sob. Startled, Ginny wrapped her arm around Hermione’s shoulders and crooned, “It’s okay. Shhh. Don’t cry. Everything will be fine…”

Wiping her face with her napkin, Hermione nodded and snuffled, desperately trying to compose herself. Breathlessly, she said, “I know. I’m okay. Honestly. I just don’t know what to say…” She turned red-rimmed eyes to Ginny and croaked, “Thank you. For everything.”

Ginny smiled and hugged her. “No worries. Now, I did the best I could, so please try not to cock things up again.” She heaved an exaggerated sigh of being put-upon, but winked to show she was kidding.

Hermione gave her a watery smile and retorted, “I’ll do my best. Believe me!” Both girls chuckled ruefully and Ginny released Hermione. As one, they reached for their plates, casting a glance at the High Table. Snape was not there.

Ginny noticed the minute slump of Hermione’s shoulders in disappointment. In an attempt to distract her, she glibly announced, “Oh, and I have detention with him Monday evening.” The incredulous look of indignation that Hermione turned on her made her smirk. In a conspiratorial whisper, she added, “He got me with that, too.” Chuckling at Hermione’s confusion, she said, “He told me we had to maintain his reputation, and after what I had done in class, I couldn’t go unpunished.”

Hermione’s eyes went wide. “What did you do?”

Biting her lip to keep from laughing, Ginny mumbled, “I started blowing Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum bubbles around the classroom. Then, when he told me to spit it out after he had already Vanished them all, I blew another one in his face.” If Hermione’s eyes got any wider, they’d fall out of her head, and Ginny spluttered with laughter. “I needed to get him to keep me after class! It worked, didn’t it?” She cut a mischievous glance at Hermione, who was staring at her, jaw dropped in amazement.

“I can’t believe you did that!” She paused, staring at Ginny a beat longer, and dissolved into a hearty peal of laughter. Ginny cracked and joined her, giggling madly.

Snape entered the Hall and sat at the High Table, furtively glancing at Hermione, who was absorbed in conversation with Ginny. Neither girl noticed his arrival, and he filled his plate while he watched them. When Hermione suddenly burst out laughing, he jerked to attention, and hurriedly glanced around to see if anyone had noticed. Shaking his hair forward again, he gazed at the two girls, wondering what was so funny. His chest tightened as he realized that Hermione had been crying again, from her tell-tale red-rimmed eyes and pink, blotchy complexion.

As the two girls’ mirth subsided, Snape found himself watching Hermione with a familiar longing. Ginny’s tirade had worked its magic, and he had struggled through some harsh realities with himself, resolving to mend the breach with Hermione as soon as he could.

Dashing tears of laughter from her eyes, Hermione sucked in air and fought the tremors of her belly, trying to regain composure, but the fluttery joy within her kept bubbling up. Feeling a tingle on her cheek, she turned to see Snape eyeing her. Gasping, her laughter fled, and her stomach twisted with apprehension as she locked eyes with him.

The sounds of the Hall diminished to a dull roar in his ears as he read the multitude of emotions pouring from Hermione’s damp, brown eyes. Trepidation, remorse, hope, love, shame, joy, relief, sorrow… All he wanted to do was wrap her safely in his arms and comfort her, but he could do nothing. The moment seemed to last an eternity, and an idea came to him. Fighting the urge to smile, he broke their connection and searched the High Table. Briskly, he Summoned a teapot to him, followed by a dish of lemon wedges and a pot of honey.

Hermione’s heart was beating wildly as she locked eyes with him, and she felt her breathing go shallow as they gazed at one another. When he wrenched his eyes from hers, she shuddered, reeling from the intensity of their exchange. It took several beats for her to realize what he was doing, but when she recognized him mixing a cup of her “tonic,” a fresh wave of euphoric relief and love washed over her. Finally, Snape looked up at her, lifting his cup to drink, and his black eyes gleamed at her over the rim of the cup, looking even softer through the faint steam from the tea.

Sighing deeply, a slight smile on her face, Hermione scrambled to retrieve the ingredients on her table. Hands trembling with the excess of her happiness, she prepared a cup of tea as well, quickly taking a gulp, sharing that bond with Snape. As one, they set their cups down, and when Hermione saw Snape’s gaze flicker past her for a moment, she turned to see what he was looking at.

Ginny was still beside her, face flushed with pleased accomplishment, for she had surreptitiously watched the exchange between Hermione and Snape. Glancing up at Hermione when she turned to her, Ginny was content to see the sparkle back in her friend’s eyes, and the joy that seemed to be radiating from her once again.

Hermione swivelled her head back to see Snape still looking at Ginny. Ginny caught his eye, and Snape inclined his head a fraction, lifting his cup with a minute gesture of acknowledgement. Ginny smiled, abashed, and tilted her head to demur. Hermione looked back at Ginny and favoured her with a dazzling smile.

In a fervent murmur, Hermione said, “Thank you so much. I owe you.”

Ginny shrugged, still smiling, and retorted, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Again, both girls chuckled, and returned to their meals. Hermione and Snape covertly watched each other until they had to leave, and Hermione eagerly awaited dinner, after which she would be able to personally make up with Snape, and hopefully put all of the misunderstandings and misery behind them.

Phantom of Hogwarts by Good_Witch [Reviews - 86]

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