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Phantom of Hogwarts by Good_Witch [Reviews - 25]

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Just playing in JKR's sandbox. Making no money. Move along, move along...

Author's Note: I know this update wasn't as fast as the last couple, but I got it done as fast as I could. Thanks to Ladyofthemasque for mad beta skillz, yo. And thank you to all of you for your continued support as we approach the end of this journey. As always, check out my LJ for update info: http://pern-dragon.livejournal.com/ Hope you enjoy! :)

Chapter 74-Conversation and Consideration

They arrived in Hermione’s room, both immediately glancing around them, taking in the childish surroundings dimly lit from the streetlamp outside. Hermione crossed to Snape by the door and peered up into his shadowed face. Snape murmured, “Just how do you propose to do this?”

Hermione frowned and whispered, “I don’t know. There’s really no way to do it gently. Let me find them, and then we’ll sit down for a talk.” She ducked past him and out the door, stepping to the top of the stairs and listening. “I hear the telly; they must be downstairs.” Lifting one finger toward Snape, she called out, “Mum? Dad? Are you home?”

Startled cries rose from the living room downstairs and the thumping of running feet heralded their arrival into the hallway below.

“Hermione? What are you doing here?” Her mother was in a long nightshirt that bore a picture of a scowling duck and the message Mornings put me in a fowl mood. The slippers on her feet were clearly very old and worn, with fuzzy yellow duck heads at the toes. Hermione had given them to her as a gift when she was a young child, and her father had given her the nightshirt at the same time.

“Ah! So you decided not to wait until tomorrow to come home!” Her father was clad in a pair of tattered old gym shorts and a thin, faded t-shirt that bore the logo Virginia is for lovers, a souvenir from their holiday to the US from where they had brought home the Old Bay seasoning Snape had tasted at the dinner before he and Hermione had gone to the play.

Snape was still inside the doorway of her room, hanging back reluctantly in the shadows. Hermione darted a glace at him and bit her lower lip.

“Actually, that’s not exactly correct. I do have something I need to talk to you about. I‘m glad you’re still up. It’s… important.” With that, she set one foot on the step below and turned sideways, gazing at Snape and beckoning him forward.

Snape stepped out into the hallway and gravely nodded a greeting at the Grangers. “Good evening, Geoff, Dione. I apologize for the lateness of this intrusion.”

If the Grangers had been surprised to see Hermione suddenly pop up in the hallway, it was nothing compared to the shock registering on their faces at the sight of Snape materializing from the darkness of her bedroom doorway.

Dione’s hand flew to her mouth, attempting to cover her mortification at being seen in such attire, and Geoff jerked back, frowning in confusion as he said, “Professor Snape? Is everything all right?”

Snape attempted a reassuring smile, but felt like his face would crack. He wasn’t altogether sure that it wasn’t more of a grimace. “Hermione’s fine. Why don’t we go downstairs and sit?”

The Grangers exchanged an apprehensive look. Geoff recovered himself and flashed a tight smile. “Of course. Come on down.”

Hermione led the way and Snape watched her worrying her hands as she descended. They all trooped into the living room, and there was an awkward moment when both couples started toward the couch, but Dione backed away, saying, “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be right back.”

She hurried out of the room and raced up the stairs, the door to the master bedroom slamming in her wake. Geoff stood still and Hermione skulked around to the couch, cutting a glance at Snape to follow. They sat, and Geoff retreated to one of the armchairs instead, grabbing the remote as he went.

Turning off the TV, he said, “No need for that to drone on if you have news. As soon as your mother gets back, you can tell us what’s so important.” He nodded at them, eyeing Snape warily.

Hermione nodded, flicking another glance at Snape to her left before eyeing her father’s concerned expression and chewing her lip again. All of them looked toward the doorway at the sound of a door opening and slamming upstairs. Dione’s hurried footsteps ended with her arrival in the living room, where she paused on the threshold to resettle her tightly tied bathrobe. Her feet no longer bore stuffed ducks, but instead sported plain socks.

Attempting a dignified demeanour, Dione crossed to a second armchair and sat, tucking her feet under her and smoothing the robe over her knees. Exchanging a look with Geoff, she said, “Sorry about that. Now, what’s going on?”

Hermione licked her lips and took a deep breath. Snape noticed that her hands were curled in her lap, and her right hand was covering her left, obscuring view of the ring. “Well, as you know, today was the Leaving Feast, and the Ministry arrived to present Hogwarts with the trophy and prize money.” Her parents nodded, still looking puzzled. “After the Feast and the presentation, we were to perform a reprise of some scenes.” Dione smiled in appreciation. “We did Music of the Night, Masquerade, and Point of No Return.”

She glanced at Snape again, and he inclined his head in encouragement.

Swallowing hard, Hermione said, “Something happened at the performance that we wanted to be the first to tell you about.” She paused, then looked at Snape imploringly, reaching over to take his hand. Snape took it gladly, lacing his fingers through hers and gazing down to see the ring sparkling in the lamplight. Hermione squeezed his hand and said, “Mum, Dad, Severus and I are in love, and we’re engaged.”

Snape cut a glance at her parents in time to see the smile slide off Dione’s face, to be replaced by incredulity. Geoff was frowning in confusion, but his lips were thin with burgeoning anger.

Dione was the first to respond. She voiced a shaky laugh, then said, “Mercy, you really had me going there for a second, Hermione.” Turning a reproachful eye on Snape, she added, “Honestly, Severus, what on earth brought you to go along with such a ridiculous prank?”

Snape merely turned to face her fully, his expression solemn and his hand shifting to force the ring into more prominent view. Before he could reply, Hermione said, “Mum, it’s not a joke. We didn’t want you to find out from someone else first. We... uh… caused quite a stir, since Severus surprised me—and everyone else, naturally—by proposing at the end of Point of No Return. We haven’t even seen anyone but Dumbledore since then, as we Disapparated away immediately afterwards.”

Dione’s eyes widened and her face went white. Geoff’s face, however, was getting redder by the second and his brows lowered into a deep scowl.

Snape, desperate to make his intentions completely clear, said, “Geoff, Dione… I love Hermione more than anything. Nothing could make me happier than to spend my life with her. I already have a home ready for us, and we’ve decided that Hermione will be moving in right away. I’m sorry that this is such a shock, but surely you can appreciate how untenable our situation was while school was still in session.”

Geoff burst out with, “Appreciate? We’re supposed to appreciate that our daughter’s teacher has taken advantage of her and filled her head with fantasies? How many other students have you manipulated over the years? I can’t think of anything more despicable…” He trailed off, lip curling in disgust as he glared at Snape.

Snape’s gut clenched, but he held his tongue, afraid of making the situation worse. Hermione, on the other hand, had no such compunctions and shot to her feet, hands in trembling fists at her sides as she hissed, “Stop it! I won’t listen to you maligning the man I love! Severus has done no such thing, nor would he! We didn’t plan to fall in love; we even tried to fight it. But we couldn’t help it! I was afraid to tell you; I knew you wouldn’t understand. But we are going to be together, whether you accept us or not.”

The silence after her impassioned response was rife with tension. Hermione was breathing heavily, cheeks scarlet as she met her father’s glare with her own mutinous one.

Dione’s hand had crept to her throat, and her eyes were glassy. Snape rose, his hand gently cupping Hermione’s elbow, murmuring, “Hermione, why don’t we go. There’s nothing to be gained by staying; you wouldn’t want to say something you’ll regret.”

Geoff shot to his feet, his voice rising to match his temper as he shouted, “You think you can just burst in here and claim our daughter and pop right back out again without so much as a by your leave? No, sir, that’s not on. You’re not going anywhere until we get this all sorted out. And don’t you even dare reach for your wand under my roof—either of you!”

Snape lifted his hand in a placating gesture, his head bowed. Hermione looked about to explode again, but Snape interceded, saying, “All right. If you wish us to stay, we shall. But, I must tell you this—“ and he lifted his head to lock gazes with Geoff “—I’ll not use my wand, as long as you refrain from attacking us. We did not come here to be abused. We are here in good faith, and I will not abide you haranguing Hermione.” His voice, which had begun in a deferential tone, hardened as he finished, and he watched Geoff’s eyes widen in outrage at Snape’s ultimatum.

Geoff drew breath to retort, but Dione spoke first. “Geoff! Everyone! Sit down! Surely there’s an explanation for all this. Let’s just sit down and talk things out like reasonable adults.” She stared hard at her husband, as if willing him to take his seat. Snape maintained his grip on Hermione’s arm, watching both her and her father.

Geoff released a long huffing breath, but sank into his chair again, glaring at his daughter and Snape through narrowed eyes. Hermione glanced back at Snape and he nodded, gently guiding her to sit beside him. They all settled again, Hermione firmly gripping Snape’s hand for moral support.

Dione cleared her throat and said, in a forced voice, “All right, let me get this straight. You, Hermione, and you, Professor Snape, say you are in love and engaged.”

She paused, and Hermione interjected, “Yes. This is the ring Severus gave me tonight.” Hermione lifted her hand from Snape’s, displaying the glinting stone. “And, just so you know—“ and she paused, trying to pull the ring down her finger and demonstrating that it wouldn’t move, “—it’s charmed so it can’t be taken from me without my express wish, and it automatically shrinks to fit me no matter what. Severus had the charms worked into the ring as proof that I have accepted his proposal fully and willingly. Even Dumbledore couldn’t doubt my sincerity; that’s how the charm works.”

Dione blinked rapidly. “Hermione, he’s your teacher! How could this happen?” Her voice was a strident wail of disbelief.

Hermione, choosing to focus on her mother and not her glowering father, leant forward and said, “Mum, we were thrown together in the play, and we got to know each other through such intimacy within it. We fell in love! Surely you can imagine how that might happen?” She tilted her head and raised her brows at her mother meaningfully. “You know how besotted you were with Severus every time he sang…”

Dione flushed uncomfortably, her hand scrabbling nervously at her throat as she looked away. Even Snape ducked his head, wishing his hair weren’t still gelled, so that it would be loose to hide his face.

Geoff growled, “So, what did your headmaster have to say about all this?”

Hermione scowled and said, “Pretty much the same thing you said, but with added hexes.”

Dione’s eyes flew wide. “Dumbledore tried to hex you?”

Snape murmured, “Indeed. Hermione was actually the one to subdue him. After that, I was able to convince him of our true feelings.”

Geoff barked, “How?”

Snape met the other man’s gaze and said, “Legilimency.”

In the crackling silence that followed, Dione said, “Wait, what is that?”

Geoff snorted mirthlessly. “Don’t you remember, dear? Our darling daughter told us about it before. It amounts to mind reading.”

Dione turned puzzled eyes to Snape. “So you read Dumbledore’s mind?”

“No. He read mine. And I showed him exactly how I felt about Hermione. He felt it—with me—in my mind.”

Geoff’s lip curled in derision. “Of course, we don’t have that ability, being Muggles. So, we’re just supposed to take your word for it, eh? We don’t get the luxury of ‘proof.’”

Snape lifted Hermione’s hand and nodded at the ring. “Here’s your proof. Beyond that, I’ll gladly spend the rest of my life proving to Hermione how much I love her.”

Hermione flashed an adoring look at Snape, who brought her knuckles to his lips for a gentle kiss. Dione covered a gasp with a cough, and Geoff huffed through his nose again.

Hermione turned an imploring look on her parents. “Mum, Dad, please… I’m so happy. Can’t you be happy for me?”

Her words rang a bell in Snape’s memory, and he suddenly zeroed in on her father, frowning in concentration. Geoff noticed and scowled even more.

Dione looked helplessly at her husband and saw him glaring hard at Snape, who was staring at him intently. Geoff growled, “What?”

Snape eyed the irate man thoughtfully and said, “As Hermione and I are here in a show of good faith, telling you the truth as soon as we could, I must say that we would appreciate the same consideration.”

Geoff bristled, puffing up as he said, “What are you implying?”

Snape tilted his head and raised his brows, lilting, “I’m not implying anything. I’m telling you not to lie to us.”

At that, Geoff sat forward in his chair, incensed. His voice shook with suppressed rage as he said, “I have never lied to my daughter!”

Snape jumped on his words like a snake striking. “What about what you said in November? You told her that she was smart enough to know her own heart and that, as long as she was happy with someone she truly loved, you couldn’t wish anything more for her. You told her that you could only hope that she would find someone and that they would be as happy as you and Dione are. But, considering your behaviour tonight, you must have been lying then.”

Every eye was on Snape. Dione was watching the tense exchange with a faint perplexed expression, Hermione was staring at Snape in stunned recognition, and Geoff was agog, his mouth working soundlessly as he tried to respond.

Finally, Geoff rasped, “How could you know that?”

Snape held the man’s shocked gaze and said, “I was there. And I have a very good memory for anything relating to loving Hermione. It’s a subject dear to my heart.”

The outraged colour flooding Geoff’s face drained away, leaving him pale as he remembered that conversation with his daughter.

Clearly still processing this revelation, Geoff repeated, “You were there? Where? I didn’t see you there!”

Hermione answered before Snape could. “He was against the wall, concealed. You couldn’t have seen him even if you had known he was there. I wasn’t sure if he had left or not when you came in.”

Geoff’s eyes narrowed and he shot an ugly glance at Snape. “You were in my daughter’s room while she was in bed? What kind of sick stalker does that?”

Even Dione was staring at Snape, her expression disgusted and affronted. Snape clenched his teeth in a bid for patience, but Hermione blurted heatedly, “I guess that’d be me!”

Geoff whipped his gaze to Hermione, and Snape looked at her warningly. Dione said, “What on earth does that mean?”

Hermione’s cheeks were flushing even more as she cut a guilty glance at Snape, but she lifted her chin haughtily as she said, “If it’s a stalker who goes into someone’s room when they’re asleep, then I’m the stalker. I crept across the hall to Severus after we had gone to bed. We were finally someplace where we could talk about our feelings for each other, and I didn’t want to waste the opportunity. The only reason he was in my room the next morning was because he Apparated us there when we heard you coming down the hallway.”

Snape closed his eyes at Hermione voicing this damning evidence. Telling her parents that they were in love and engaged was a very different thing than admitting that they had slept together under their very roof.

Dione’s mouth opened and her eyes goggled. Geoff drew back in his chair in shock. His voice was a whisper as he said, “What were you doing still there the next morning?”

His outraged expression spoke volumes of what he dared not put into words. Unfortunately, his wife had no such qualms. Dione’s hand was once again at her throat as she said, her voice shrill, “Hermione Jane Granger! You did not engage in sexual relations with your professor in this house, did you?”

Snape’s head rolled back in mortification, his eyes still closed. He grimaced when he heard Hermione start to speak.

“Not that it’s really any of your business: No. As much as I may have tried to convince him otherwise—” Snape choked and flung his face forward into his hands, “—Severus made me realize that having sex would be a bad idea, for many reasons.”

The silence following her proclamation was profound. Snape’s face was still buried in his hands, and he could hear the shallow breathing of her parents across from them. He hadn’t felt this embarrassed in a long time. But, he knew he had to say something. Sliding his fingers over his face and onto the crown of his head, he kept staring at his knees as he croaked, “I promise you, on my mother’s grave, that I have never—nor would I ever do so—taken advantage of your daughter.”

Dione’s voice faltered as she retorted, “Your mother’s grave?”

Snape merely nodded, his head still cradled in his hands.

Hermione murmured, “Killed by Death Eaters when he was barely out of Hogwarts.”

Dione gasped and breathed, “And your father?”

Hermione once again answered for him. “Killed in a factory accident when he was in fifth year.” She paused, then added, sardonically, “You’re the only parents we have to worry about telling.”

There was another pregnant pause. Snape realized he was being a coward, hiding his face like this, as if he had something to be ashamed of, and he swallowed hard, firming his resolve to face his accusers. Lifting his head, he smoothed his hands back over his gelled hair and let them drop to his lap. Attempting a dignified demeanour, he looked at Dione and Geoff.

He was only slightly surprised to see Dione staring at him with a mixture of indignation and pity. Her queries about his parents were quite telling in regard to her compassion for his loss. But he was extremely shocked to see Geoff averting his eyes in what looked like shame when Snape tried to meet his gaze.

Snape’s voice was low as he said, “Dumbledore, too, questioned the extent of our intimacy. He is satisfied with our response. As mortifying as it is to speak of it to you, I can assure you that we have not consummated our relationship. If questioned thusly under the influence of Veritaserum—”

Dione hissed, “What’s that?” and Geoff rumbled, “Truth serum,” interrupting Snape’s speech.

Snape continued, “—I am fully able to attest to that fact.” He kept his head up, even though he couldn’t bring himself to meet their eyes, aware that his face was burning. Hermione reached over and gripped his hand in comfort. Snape looked down at the ring and resolved that no matter what happened, he and Hermione would be together.

The silence was even more awkward than before. Finally, Hermione said, “Mum, Dad, we certainly never meant to upset you. I know this is all a shock, but we’re in love and happy, and that should be all that matters. I’m sorry you’ve got such short notice about me not coming home. Granted, I had no idea Severus would be proposing to me tonight, so I knew I’d have to break the news of our relationship to you anyway in order to explain why I wouldn’t be staying here. I had thought perhaps to hedge matters and, once school was over and I was at the Ministry, to gradually make our relationship public—” and she flicked a glance that was both exasperated and delighted at Snape, who instantly retorted.

“I told you and Dumbledore: I’m tired of hiding! I am not ashamed of loving you, and I’m not about to pretend I don’t!” He locked eyes with her, his jaw set in determination.

Dione and Geoff exchanged a glance at his fervent declaration. With the ease of long years of practice, they had a silent conversation. Dione raised her brows and tilted her head at the couple, and Geoff grimaced. Then, she narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips, to which Geoff rolled his eyes and huffed. Lips quirking in a faint smile, Dione nodded and sighed, leaving Geoff to cut a petulant glance at his daughter and a grudging one at Snape. Neither Snape nor Hermione noticed the exchange, as they were so engrossed in each other.

Geoff cleared his throat, breaking the lovers from their connection. They shot sheepish yet defiant glances at her parents, and Dione saw Snape caressing Hermione’s hand, his fingers rubbing across the ring as if to make certain that it was there.

Hermione faced her parents with an imploring gaze. “Please, please don’t be angry. I love you, but I’m in love with Severus. I don’t want to have to choose between you. And you already liked him before! So why not now? He’s no different; just now he can admit to loving me. You know how protective he is of me; you were there to hear all his cautions when we were going over my Ministry contract. He urged me to sign it before school was over, so it won’t make any difference that we’re together, since the contract is already magically binding—”

Once again, Snape cut in, murmuring, “I would never have dared to propose had you not been bound in that contract. Do you think I would ever do anything that could jeopardize your future? We learned that lesson well, love.”

Hermione and Snape met each other’s eyes with a knowing, rueful look, and Dione couldn’t help but say, “What do you mean?”

Snape exhaled a long breath of regret and said quietly, “We were discovered. Twice, actually. The first time was by Miss Weasley, and Hermione managed to convince her to keep our secret. She has remained a staunch friend ever since, and we are grateful for her support.” Hermione nodded vehemently. “The second time, another student—a boy who was infatuated with Hermione—discovered my presence with Hermione, and we—I—was forced to modify his memory to erase that evidence.”

Snape looked up to see both parents gazing at him, appalled. Refusing to look away again, he continued, “I couldn’t allow his jealousy to harm Hermione in any way. If I had been sacked, so be it. I already had plans to start a new path. But it was unconscionable that Hermione’s reputation and education be destroyed. I’m not proud of it, but I did what had to be done to protect her.”

Geoff nodded faintly, surprising Snape.

Feeling as if he might be gaining ground, Snape said, “Hermione is everything to me. She is my life, my future, my happiness. I hadn’t thought to have any of those, considering my precarious position as a spy. Even after the war was over, I had nothing to look forward to, until Hermione came into my life. I had a reason to live and build a life for myself. And I have done so, but it’s not just for me; it’s for us. My home is completely renovated, and I have a position already lined up for employment. Hermione’s job is secure, and her marks have already come back, as stellar as expected. From here on out, I can only think of things relating to her. I would not be here if it weren’t for her. She’s the only one who could have saved my sanity back in March.”

At that, he closed his eyes in remembered pain, and Hermione squeezed his hand, her eyes full of sympathy. This time it was Geoff who felt compelled to say, “What happened in March?”

Hermione whispered, “Dumbledore sabotaged Severus’s attempt to find a position outside of Hogwarts and treated him like a child. He deliberately cut Severus’s feet out from under him on his journey to make a life for himself. And he said Severus owed him his very life.” Her voice surfaced, rough and trembling with disgust and rage. Dione gasped, affected by the tale in spite of herself.

Snape’s voice was almost a whisper as he said, “I had no one else. I went to Hermione, and she saved me from my misery and despair. She gave me a reason to live. She is my reason.” He once again looked up at her parents, who were staring at him awkwardly. “I’m sorry. We didn’t come here to burden you with my sad history or our difficulties. We came here to celebrate our love for each other with you, in the hopes that you would celebrate with us.”

Another silence fell. Snape let his head droop forward. It was late, and the day had been long and exhausting. He felt utterly drained, and wanted nothing more than to take Hermione home and curl up with her for comfort.

Hermione saw how weary Snape looked, read it in the set of his shoulders and the lines around his eyes and mouth. He, who had so recently begun looking younger, was once again looking older, no longer buoyed by his happiness and delighted anticipation of surprising Hermione. The stress of so many revelations and repercussions had taken its toll for the night. It was well past midnight, and Hermione was suddenly struck with fatigue as well, longing to hide away from the world with Snape so they could just rest and be together.

Caressing Snape’s arm tenderly, Hermione murmured, “It’s late. We’re tired. All of us have a lot to think about. We should go.”

Dione and Geoff exchanged another look, and Dione nodded faintly to Hermione. “Right. You’ve certainly experienced enough excitement for one day.” At her words, Hermione cast an involuntary look down at her ring, her face lighting up instantly for a moment before she flicked a glance at her parents and schooled her expression into a more indifferent one. Dione’s stomach clenched at the sight.

Snape reached over to envelop Hermione’s left hand in both of his, lifting his head to say, “No doubt we can continue this discussion at a later date, when all parties have had time to rest and consider what’s most important.” He cast a pointed look at her parents and lifted Hermione’s hand to once again kiss the ring.

Geoff looked away, wishing they would go already. His chest felt tight, and he didn’t yet know what to think about the beatific expression on his daughter’s face when she looked at Snape, beaming in response to the man’s gentle kiss.

Dione struggled to untuck her feet and smoothed her bathrobe as she stood. Geoff shot to his feet a beat later. Hermione looked at her parents, her radiant smile guttering out to be replaced by an anxious look of trepidation. She nodded to Snape, and they rose as one.

All four of them stood in awkward silence, darting glances at each other. Hermione finally spoke. “I’ll call you tomorrow. We can talk more then.”

Dione frowned and said, “Call?”

Hermione nodded. “Spinner’s End is in a Muggle neighbourhood. We have a regular phone as well as the Floo connection. I plan to get my own computer and internet connection as well. If I’m to be in charge of bringing Muggle arts into the wizarding world, I could certainly use instant access to those Muggle arts.”

Dione’s brows rose and she nodded. “Of course.”

Snape, his voice low and weary, said, “Once we’re settled, you’re welcome to visit.”

Geoff started, blinking his surprise, and Dione flashed him another meaningful look. His tone grudging, he uttered a clipped, “We’ll see.”

Snape inclined his head in understanding, then turned to Hermione. “Are you ready?”

Hermione looked at her parents, clearly debating whether or not to go hug them, but then her face fell, and she wilted in defeat, murmuring, “Yes.”

Snape gathered her to him, wrapping his arms around her and tucking her head under his chin. She slid her arms around his waist, pressing her cheek against his chest. Dione’s hand crept up to cover her mouth, and Geoff’s hands clenched into fists at his sides. With a whispered, “Good night,” Snape and Hermione disappeared.

Appearing back in the living room at Spinner’s End, Hermione immediately pulled back and said, “Hurry! We need to go back!”

Snape scowled in confusion and said, “What?”

Hermione gripped his arms and gazed earnestly up at him. “We need to go back! Disillusion us and Apparate back into the living room there! I have to know what they’re saying about us!”

Snape’s eyes widened in shock at her devious ploy. His inner Slytherin snapped to attention and applauded her ingenuity.

Hermione backed away and reached for her wand. “Fine, if you won’t do it…”

Snape grabbed her hand and met her wild gaze. Her eyes were bright with unshed tears, and desperation tensed every muscle in her body. Taking a deep breath, he nodded, pulling her close and casting the concealment charm. As soon as they were invisible, he Apparated them back into the living room, just behind the couch.

It was a good thing he had chosen that spot, as Geoff was pacing around the room, stomping across where they had previously been standing, his fingers laced together and gripping the back of his neck, forcing his head down to glare at the carpet as his elbows pierced the air around his head.

Dione was still rooted to the spot in front of her armchair, her hands clasped at her throat, watching her husband.

They arrived to hear her saying, “—know her! We both saw her face every time she looked at him. It’s shocking, yes, but I can’t not believe them now!”

Geoff’s elbows seemed to bat at the air as he shook his head. His face was blocked by his arms, but his voice was raspy as he said, “She’s my little girl, Di! How can I just give her up to someone old enough to be… me?”

Dione shook her head. “Geoff, that’s not fair. Severus is not you. Yes, he may be older than what we might have liked, but it’s obvious that he cares about her. I pity anyone who ever threatens her, since they’ll have him to deal with.”

Geoff whirled in front of the couch and collapsed on it, hunkering forward so his elbows rested on his knees, his head bowed between them, muffling his voice. “I can’t believe he was there when I was in her room. He was right. Everything I said, he parroted right back at me.”

Dione crossed to the couch and sank beside him, rubbing his back in comfort. Geoff released his neck and sat back, letting his hands drop to his sides. Dione kept rubbing his shoulder and arm, saying, “Shhh…”

It was fortunate that she was making such a noise, for it masked Hermione’s gasp as her father’s face came into view.

He was crying.

Hermione instantly covered her mouth with her hand, and Snape drew her closer, caressing her hair and pressing a kiss to her temple as they watched her father grimace, tears leaking from his screwed shut eyes.

Dione reached up and tenderly wiped his face, drying her fingers on her bathrobe. “Sweetheart, don’t. There’s no need. Honestly…”

Geoff sniffed hugely, taking a deep breath and trying to regain his composure. He opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling. His voice was a hoarse whisper as he said, “I can’t believe they’ve been together for so long and we had no idea. How many more secrets has she kept from us?”

Dione crooned, “But they came here as soon as they could to tell us. Credit where credit is due, love.”

Geoff closed his eyes again. “Where has my little girl gone? I just wanted my sweet, caring daughter back for one more summer before I had to let her go.”

Dione continued caressing his arm. “Hermione hasn’t been a little girl for a while now, darling. You said so yourself after they visited in November. As for your sweet, caring daughter—she’s still there! She obviously cares very much for Severus. And he for her.”

Geoff’s chin jutted forward in petulance as he said, “Of course she does! You heard what happened to him. That big heart of hers never could keep from opening for a sob story.”

Dione gripped his chin and forced him to meet her eyes. She glared at him sternly, her expression reproachful. “That’s not fair and you know it. You’ve always been proud that she learned from us to care for those less fortunate.” Geoff averted his eyes, clearly ashamed. She caressed his cheek and continued, “Besides, it wasn’t a sob story. It was a tragedy. I saw you. You felt the same way I did. You can’t hide your own big heart, love. I know where our girl got it from.”

She leant forward and dropped a light kiss on his lips, approval and love in her eyes. Geoff reached out and pulled her down to nestle beside him, his arm around her. After a short silence, he murmured, “I can’t even imagine what it must be like to lose your parents so young, and to have no one to turn to for so long. Obviously I can’t blame the man for falling for Hermione; I’m surprised she hasn’t had admirers lining up for years.” Dione chuckled. “With their war and all… the poor bloke certainly has had a rough time of it for a while now, hasn’t he?”

Dione squeezed his ribs. “There’s the Geoff Granger compassion I remember.”

Geoff huffed and kissed her hair. “It’s just… so much to take in. I don’t know what I think yet. It’s too overwhelming tonight.”

Dione lifted her head to smile at him. “I agree. So why don’t we go to bed and get a good night’s sleep, and we can talk about it in the morning. We really should straighten out our own thoughts before Hermione calls.”

Geoff nodded. “I’ll definitely need a good night’s sleep to be able to straighten out the muddle in my head.”

He heaved a sigh and wiped his face as Dione sat up. She stood and proffered a hand. Geoff took her hand and pulled himself up, reaching forward with his other hand to cup Dione’s cheek. She tilted her head into his palm, smiling wistfully. He leant forward and kissed her, resting his forehead against hers for a moment and sliding his arms around her shoulders. She hugged him, and they simply stood that way for a long moment.

Finally, Dione patted his back, slipping her hands around his sides and backing away. “Come on. Let’s go to bed.” Geoff nodded, and she took his hand to lead him out of the room and upstairs.

Snape kept his arms around Hermione and waited until her parents’ footsteps had died away, then Disapparated, taking her home.

Phantom of Hogwarts by Good_Witch [Reviews - 25]

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