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Reviews for Private Lessons

duj 2022.02.11 - 12:51AM 12: The Lightning Curse Signed
The Muggle being Temple Grandin, I assume

tigroon 2008.10.22 - 04:22PM 16: Lifting the Blindness Signed
please, please, please update?

Author's Response: Tryng..I just got out of the hospital after breakng 6 ribs, so things have slowed WAY down.

briar 2008.08.12 - 10:36PM 16: Lifting the Blindness Signed
I just love this story. I can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: Thanks! Trying to get to it...

Rose of the West 2008.07.14 - 02:38PM 16: Lifting the Blindness Signed
I just discovered this story today. It's quite lovely...haunting in places. Keep going!

Author's Response: Thanks! I hope to--lots going on IRL right now...

tigroon 2008.06.24 - 01:52PM 16: Lifting the Blindness Signed
So I review and a new chapter appears. Do it again?

Author's Response: Heh, not this time--but I hope to have another one soon.

tigroon 2008.06.23 - 03:01PM 15: Lessons Signed
oh pleeeeeeeaaaaase come back and update this!! arghhhhhh!

Author's Response: I will, promise--I've got to get a book ready for printing then I can come back.

NoxSomnium 2008.06.18 - 11:59PM 15: Lessons Signed
Ah, the inevitable return of somewhat-idiot!Harry. Silly boy. I can't wait for Snape to get caught by a magical person while he's completely caught up in a piece of music. You could write about it if you'd like, or any other part of the story. When you get a chance :) Strange people with real lives.

Author's Response: Real life? I have an unreal life, kthxbai.

NoxSomnium 2008.06.18 - 11:49PM 14: Trial and Error Signed
Aw, sad. I repetitively state that Snape doesn't need a good shagging so much as he needs a good honest cuddle. Not that we'd call it that of course. He would object to the term. He might, however, allow someone else to do the cuddling and he could just be the cuddled one.

Author's Response: Agreed. A really long cuddle with lots of "you're okays" thrown in there. Not that he'd tolerate it for long, but we can dream...

funny music 2008.06.03 - 04:34PM 15: Lessons Signed
Hi, I only took interest in this story today and after that I read every single chapter. Your premise is good, your style and all your ideas are good and I would very much like for you to continue with this story! Please, update soon! :)

Author's Response: Trying, trying...

wieden1 2008.05.04 - 12:53PM 15: Lessons Signed
please update soon - i have already withdrawal syndromes! thank you greetings from a sunny but fictionfree vienna!

Author's Response: Thanks! I'll try, but I'm wrapping up a huge other fic right now...

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