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Reviews for That Evening, on the Stairs

Owlbait 2011.03.06 - 03:05PM 1: That Evening, on the Stairs Signed
It is so unbearably sad to think Severus is simply not destined for happiness. That even if he had it, the entire world would be out of balance and tip into the dark. It was still lovely to see that glimpse of things gone right for him.

Neko Mata 2010.12.02 - 06:43PM 1: That Evening, on the Stairs Signed
Love how things turned out! Very inspiring!

rachel123 2009.04.19 - 11:18PM 1: That Evening, on the Stairs Signed
I've thought of this alternative many times, and have always come to the same conclusion. Things just don't seem to work out without Snape being miserable. :/ On the brighter side, I think you're brilliant, and the story was fantastic. :)

Sylvia Linslade 2008.10.06 - 10:51PM 1: That Evening, on the Stairs Signed
Fascinating picture of how maybe things are the way they are suppsoed to be, even if maybe they aren't the way we wish they could be...

invisibilitycloak2 2008.08.26 - 11:54AM 1: That Evening, on the Stairs Signed
amazing story which pretty much answers all questions of what would have happened if...

LaBibliographe 2008.08.13 - 09:40PM 1: That Evening, on the Stairs Signed
This was purely haunting. We want so much for Snape to have had something good in his life and you let him have it - for awhile. This short story reminds me of the Ernest Hemingway short story, "The Short, Happy lIfe of Francis Macomber". There are some inexact parallels. Excellent writing with a believable alternate reality that chills even as it gives a desirable warmth to Severus' life.

ard 2008.08.11 - 09:26AM 1: That Evening, on the Stairs Signed
Loved this version of the story. Have been checking everyday to see when you would post again after Jane. Glad your back and looking forward to more

morgaine_dulac 2008.08.10 - 04:09AM 1: That Evening, on the Stairs Signed
So Severus Snape really did protect the world, not just Harry Potter. I liked your piece very much. Thanks for sharing. /M

Scary Bear Hair 2008.08.09 - 10:59PM 1: That Evening, on the Stairs Signed
Oh my, libertyelyot recommended this fic on her LJ, so I came and checked it out and I must say it is lovely. The ending packs a nice punch too. It has a haunting quality, like a nightmarish fairytale. Excellent writing! :D

Deeble 2008.08.09 - 10:15PM 1: That Evening, on the Stairs Signed
Powerful. The ending is a punch to the gut even though it's inevitable.

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