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Reviews for The Wizard’s Tale: A Continuation

Gannet 2005.09.23 - 03:28PM 41: Chapter 40: The Rain in Spain... Signed
Are Kat and Tonks going to fall for each other? (/random thought)

Author's Response: *scratches chin* You'll see. Thanks for the reviews!

Gannet 2005.09.23 - 03:21PM 39: Chapter 38: Quid Pro Quo Signed
Sade, a romantic? Nah. A genius? Yeeeesss. Distorted and perverted, plunging into hybris with the passion of a man living an age where limits are pushed back beyond imagination, and - wait, is there going to be smut in the next chapter? *runs off to read more*

Author's Response: *cackles* Glad you're enjoying the story, and thanks for the review.

Gannet 2005.09.23 - 02:33PM 36: Chapter 35: The New Student Signed
Kat at last! their interaction was great.

Author's Response: Thank you! He'll be around quit a bit now.

Gannet 2005.09.22 - 04:21PM 30: Chapter 29: We’re All Family Now Signed
"Uncle Sevy"? I understand the reaction! :)

Author's Response: Yes, Tonks is a girl who likes to push the limits! Thanks for reviewing.

Gannet 2005.09.21 - 05:24PM 19: Chapter 19: The Monk’s Potion Signed
Oh, I hadn't caught the allusion. But I do love Brother Cadfael... The interaction between Snape and Lilith is progressing nicely. Thank you for writing!

Author's Response: Brother Cadfael is a favorite of mine. Glad you're continuing to enjoy the story,and thanks for reviewing.

Gannet 2005.09.21 - 04:32PM 8: Chapter 8: The Farmer in the Dell Signed
Reading on... Lilith is a nice character. I had trouble discerning her at first - those glances with Dumbledore... what's her real motivation to go along? She can't have been attracted to Snape's sunny disposition that soon, could she? ;) Anyway, I find myself warming to her as the story goes on. It helps that she's aroung Snape's age I think, the trouble with other ships (SS/HG, SS/Tonks) is that you always fear he would only manipulate the younger witch, and this does not seem to be the case here.

Author's Response: Primarily, her motivation was to help where she was uniquely qualified. How she came to be involved, why she was willing to go with Snape, and cut him the slack she has, will be seen. Glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks for reviewing.

Gannet 2005.09.21 - 01:35PM 1: Chapter 1: A Change of Plan Signed
I've had this story in bookmark for several days but the number of chapters scared me off from reading it, to be entirely honest. This is of course stupid of me as I love what you write, and the prospect of hearing more of Kat has lured me back into the right path :)

So, I'm off to read more!

Author's Response: Glad you've decided to give it a try. The chapters are fairly short, actually, so it's not as bad as it looks. Hope you enjoy and thanks for reviewing.

annabelx 2005.08.01 - 11:37AM 57: Epilog Signed
Wonderful! 57 more chapters please!

Author's Response: OMG, I couldn't do it - lol! But thank you so for asking. Glad you liked it.

justjen 2005.06.19 - 06:26PM 57: Epilog Signed
Wonderful!!! I loved it!! Great job, even the parts that were un-nerving, or possibly because of those parts. I couldn't stop reading.

Author's Response: Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.

Trickie Woo 2005.02.17 - 02:33AM 31: Chapter 30: Snape Needs a Favor Signed
Ihad really been enjoying this story until this point. This seems to be moving it into violence and rape just for the sake of violence and rape because you want to make the story darker. As a victem of nearly 12 years of childhood sexual abuse by the monster my mother married and made my stepfather I am appalled. It was nearly 40 years after it began that I was able to deal with it and with my husband'sand my therapist's help confront him and hold him accountable for what he did. He died 3 three years ago alone in a nursing home after suffering 2 strokes. He couldn't talk and his body was crippled but his mind was clear and I made sure he knew why he was abandoned after my mother died. He spent about the same length of time in that state as the abuse lasted, that was his purgatory, now I know he's rotting in Hell where he belongs. I don't want to read such dark things, I've been through enough darkness myself. There should be a warning on stories like yours that turn so dark, they have them for sex, why not for voilent darkness? I can handle the sex, after all what happened to me wasn't really about sex, it was about power and the violence he used to hold power over me and my mother. I want to read about Snape and I can take what happens to him but Rowling never even hinted about the Deatheaters and sexual violence.

Author's Response: Trickie Woo - I'm sorry the story is disturbing for you. While I have no basis to judge, I hope that if you can stick it out, you will find it more than just bearable. I can promise that it is not a glorification of sex/violence/rape (it is there, but not overly graphic) but it is about relationship and trust.

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