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Reviews for Stars Are Blind

kerriblu 2011.03.30 - 02:53PM 17: Dynamics Signed
I feel I need to say at this point how much I love this story, and this chapter in particular. I love the little undercurrent with Hermione, and finally Andromeda seems to be getting with the program and willing to fight for Severus. Sorry I have not reviewed until now.

Author's Response: Thank you so much for reviewing! I'm glad you've been enjoying the story. I know there are some who feel parts of this chapter were overdue, including my beta reader. Thanks again.

linda0506 2011.03.30 - 02:47PM 17: Dynamics Signed
That was so lovely. It made me sigh!

Author's Response: Thank you! That's what I was going for!

linda0506 2011.03.22 - 06:35AM 16: General Relativity Signed
Andromeda still can't accept that Severus is committed to her, can she? But I bet Hermione will throw her teddy out of the pram when she finds out about the marriage.

Author's Response: Everyone thinks they know what is going on, but since no one has really spoken about it, who can tell? That's one way to put what Hermione's reaction will be; I like it. ;) Thank you for the review!

FreeRaven 2010.10.30 - 11:08PM 13: Displacement Signed
yay update!

Author's Response: Yes, thank you! The next one should be in the queue soon!

linda0506 2010.10.28 - 09:49PM 13: Displacement Signed
Severus married! Love it. I hope other people don't spoil it for them.

Author's Response: I love finding off-beat ways for him to get married. Other people will follow their own agendas, of course. :/ Thank you for the review!

FreeRaven 2010.10.25 - 09:34PM 12: Free Fall Signed
Anxious for more! Hope the writings coming along and wishing you less anxiety than I currently feel about this story lol!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! As a matter of fact, some more should be posting, soon.

Eleni 2010.09.29 - 03:08PM 12: Free Fall Signed
I hope they will work this out. And who did Severus send an owl? looking for updates

Author's Response: Hmm... why did he send those letters out? They do need to figure out how to talk more... Thanks for the review, hopefully the next chapter will post by early next week.

linda0506 2010.09.22 - 04:45PM 12: Free Fall Signed
Your writing is beautiful. Narcissa is a biatch, though! Somehow Severus must make Andromeda understand he is serious!

Author's Response: Thank you! Narcissa's definitely got her own plan for everything. Severus and Andromeda need to speak clearly, but they both have reasons for not saying what they're really thinking. Hopefully they'll work it out.

Very Small Prophet 2010.09.20 - 07:17PM 9: Constant Velocity Signed
Toss her aside? Good God, woman, this is the man who stayed faithful to Lily Evans for twenty years, even though she treated him like dirt! He's a veritable Tristan, and he wants you as his new Isolde. Speaking of opera, this story is quite operatic (which is always a compliment from me, even when I'm snarking). As in many operas, there would be no story at all if the tenor and the soprano (or in this case the bass-baritone and the contralto) would just sit down for five minutes and have an honest conversation. And any opera buff could see the moment Tim walked in that he was to play tenor to Hermione's soprano (Hermione is usually the clever mezzo, but here she's the witless soprano.) Is it any wonder I love this story?

Author's Response: Andromeda has her ear full of Narcissa's schemes and her eyes full of Severus giving Hermione special attention of some sort, so she's putting her own construction on what she sees. Don't look for the honest conversation any time soon if she has to initiate it. As for Tim/Hermione, it's a definite possibility, among the other options on the table. I'm glad you love this story. Thank you for the great reviews!

Very Small Prophet 2010.09.20 - 05:01PM 7: Bodies in Motion Signed
Severus's love for Andromeda, which seems to have begun almost the moment he woke up, appears a bit sudden after he insisted on gazing into Lily's eyes for what he thought was his last sight on earth. But there is another way to look at it: His love for her had become a committment, the center and focus of his determination to do what was right. With the Dark Lord dead, he has fulfilled his commitment to Lily and is free to move on. Everything he's been holding back has burst out and landed on the woman who has caring for and comforting him, and to whom he was already attracted. The poor half-blood from Spinner's End has come up in the world, to set his cap for one of the three fabulous Black Sisters. Alas for Hermione and all SSHG fans (I am one), for Sev and Andie are a better pair. I hope Hermione doesn't make a complete fool of herself over Severus. Or if she does, I hope it's not too public.

Author's Response: In one of my stories, I have Snape give Harry the memories and then think to himself: I've done all I can, Lily. What little claim you had on me is fulfilled; the debt is now paid. Meanwhile, I think Andromeda's family would think that since she married a Mudblood before, a well-situated half-blood can only be a step up. However, since the family has other plans, they're not in favor of this sort of match. Hermione won't embarrass herself any more than an 18/19 year old who's too smart for her own good and socially inept generally would. I promise to be gentle. Thank you so much for such a thoughtful review!

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