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Reviews for Two Sides Against the Middle

debjunk 2009.03.18 - 01:47AM 85: Aftermath Signed
I would have glared at Severus too if he'd thought that I would have taken the kids and disappeared while he was recovering, or in hiding from Voldemort, or whatever. It would have been one thing if he had died. Anyway, I loved Emily's talk with Hope. It seemed to explain everything in a way she could accept it.

Author's Response: Thank you! I like picturing Severus wanting to take care of the family and Emily wanting to take care of him and how that sometimes causes little disagreements. I know I'm a bit idealistic in describing those conversations, but I wish all kids could talk to their parents like that. As the parent, these days, I wish I always had the answers like that.

Cuthalion 2009.03.17 - 07:26PM 85: Aftermath Signed
Albus Snape, hm? *grins* Nice idea. And the thought of Emily, fighting Rita Skeeter and her ideas of wizarding journalism, really makes my day. The only thing I hope now is that not all hope for Hope is lost...

Author's Response: Well, Dumbledore was hoping, and all... I'm not sure what Emily would have decided upon if Severus had not been rescued. We may get to hear from Rita eventually. There's a bit more to go before it's complete, so we'll definitely see what happens to Hope. Thank you for the reviews!

Cuthalion 2009.03.17 - 07:05PM 84: The Second of May Signed
You asked me where Molly's rage against Bella came from. I wrote a "one and a half"-drabble for you to give you a possible answer; here you can find it: http://lumos.sycophanthex.com/viewstory.php?sid=4748 And now I'll go and read the next chapter. *smiles*

Author's Response: (goes to look) Yes, I see that. It's a rage at _anything_ that would hurt anyone else in her family. I'm not registered over there, so I'll comment here that it's a really good description of the fragments that would go through a mother's mind.

makaem 2009.03.17 - 08:12AM 84: The Second of May Signed
Emily is fabulous. I hope you are planning an entire universe devoted just to her when this story is over. Poor Hope. Well, boys are stupid. Look at how long it took her dad to figure out how incredible her mom is, something that Voldemort and Sirius picked up on pretty early. This is a fabulous story. Catching up on it this weekend has been a true pleasure.

Author's Response: Thank you, again! Perhaps 84 chapters, plus the six or so that will finish things up, qualifies as a universe. There is a bit more story to finish up.

makaem 2009.03.16 - 07:52AM 77: Waking a Sleeping Dog Signed
I've used my spare time this weekend to catch up on your story. I've really enjoyed it. I find it amazing that you could change something so big, like giving Snape a family, and still make it fit into the framework of the books. But you have. This works.

Author's Response: Wow, I really appreciate that you've spent all that time on my story. I'm glad it works. Thank you for the review!

debjunk 2009.03.15 - 05:15PM 84: The Second of May Signed
I'm glad you had Neville 'get' Bella. It's only fair. I'm sure he feels that finally a little justice is served. And I liked how he reassured Hope about not knowing the whole truth. I think I would have freaked out myself, having heard that, especially after all the hairy things that just went on in the battle and with trying to save Severus.

Author's Response: Thank you! I thought it should be Neville and in his own way. The whole Severus/Lily thing was a rallying point for Harry, but of course it would make Hope question everything.

Cuthalion 2009.03.15 - 03:22PM 84: The Second of May Signed
Ah - I love that Hope and Neville fought "back to back", so to speak. And I also liked that he used the "Tentacula" to get rid of the whole Lestrange pack.... though I'm a great fan of Molly's raging fight with Bellatrix. Well done... and they're all alive. Thank you for that - among many other things. *smiles*

Author's Response: I like Molly's fight with Bella, too, but I never saw where all that rage specifically for Bella came from. It seemed more appropriate for Neville to "get" her. Thank you for the review!

Cuthalion 2009.03.11 - 04:26AM 83: Found Signed
*smiles* Clever Emily - if she hadn't make him carry around all those potions over YEARS, he would have died before Hope arrived. And it has always angered me that no one at the Slytherin table joined the defenders of Hogwarts - I found that not cinvincing and unnecessarily "black and white". Voldemort's plans give me the creeps - they won't fulfill, thankfully. Thrilling chapter! Cúthalion

Author's Response: I see the canon Snape as someone who prepared for everything he could think of and his wife is no different. I have a feeling that House loyalties were so entrenched that even the random Slytherin helping on the "good" side might be misinterpreted such that the others would fight against them just on principle. That's why Hope put up shield charms when she ran across them. And Voldemort...he's presuming so much incorrectly at this point that he's doomed himself. Thank you so much for the kind reviews!

Cuthalion 2009.03.11 - 04:22AM 82: The First of May Signed
And Hope will arrive soon, won't she? How incredibly clever you named Snape's daughter... and now he's father again. And I can move one to the next chapter with an easier heart. Thank you! Cúthalion

Author's Response: Thank you for the review! As you know by now, Hope's just hanging around and waiting for a clue at this point. I'm glad you're enjoying this.

debjunk 2009.03.11 - 01:03AM 83: Found Signed
Last spell, eh? Is he going to take over someone's body? Sorry, Voldie, ain't gonna happen. You and your horrible plans are all going to be cut short by Harry 'dead-man' Potter.

Author's Response: Heh, heh..."the best laid plans", and all. Voldemort is entirely too presumptuous to be truly successful in his line of work. He's also already assumed that Snape is truly dead in the shack. Thank you, again!

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