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Reviews for Two Sides Against the Middle

debjunk 2009.02.12 - 01:32PM 70: Comfort in Hell Signed
Emily's comment to the Aurors about doing their job forty-five years ago really made me think. I wonder what happened back then that made them ignore the Voldie threat until he was a gigantic force to be reckoned with. As we can see, the Ministry continues in its incompetence. At least they're consistent.

Author's Response: Maybe they thought Grindlewald was the only one who could be like that? It seems like there were lessons that they should have learned about him that they ignored, too. But in Muggle history, it's unfortunately too often the same way. Thanks for reviewing!

debjunk 2009.02.11 - 09:58PM 69: After the Tower Signed
oh, you had me bawling from beginning to end. I'm sorry, but Dumbledore really did ask too much. What Severus had to do is too much for one person to bear.

Author's Response: Thank you for the review! I'm sorry it was such a tear-jerker, but what Emily told Albus was absolutely what I think. His suffering is over now, but it only increased it elsewhere. I think the reason so many of us read DH cover to cover in one sitting is because we finally wanted to get to something that was happy.

johnbly341 2009.02.10 - 02:02PM 69: After the Tower Signed
I can't tell you how much I've been enjoying this story. It was so moving to see the effect of the events of that night on the Snape family.

Author's Response: Thank you! You're so kind to review! Our families can be a real pain in the neck some times, but at others they can be a real comfort, too. Of course, some of the effects will get worse over the next year...

debjunk 2009.02.08 - 03:17PM 68: Preparing for Battle Signed
Interesting that he can cast two different Patronuses. I think that his memories for both were quite beautiful, and it was nice that both included Emily in some way.

Author's Response: Thank you! I tend to think the only time he could be truly happy with Lily, when she wouldn't have been nagging him about his choices, would have been a day like that. She would have been full of compliments as a good party guest and he was still sure he loved her, then.

debjunk 2009.02.07 - 02:01AM 67: Slughorn's Party Signed
So, it seems that Nott really liked her, but was hiding his feelings in nonchalance. Poor kid has to protect himself somehow. Love's a tough thing.

Author's Response: Thank you for the reviews! It's not really fair to poor Ted, is it? He's a Slytherin, though. Everything is a calculated move...

debjunk 2009.02.04 - 12:12AM 66: Fall at Hogwarts Signed
It's nice to see credit given to Severus for what he did with the necklace. It's pretty much treated as an aside in canon. Looks like Neville might be straying from his sure thing a bit, hmm?

Author's Response: Poor Neville doesn't know what to think. It's just as good for Hope to let him twist in the wind a bit. I'm not sure how much credit Severus was given for the necklace at Hogwarts, but Emily knows the facts and will state them plainly. Thanks for the review!

debjunk 2009.02.03 - 03:23PM 65: The Masters Signed
Nice interplay between Emily and Albus. I think at this point it's hard to know what Albus is all about. And now we have Theodore Nott involved. Will he agree to woo Margo? More important, what will Margo think of all of this.

Author's Response: You have to wonder what goes on at the Nott house. Dad's been part of the Death Eaters since before they were called Death Eaters and Ted wants nothing of it. Both sides must be trying to trick the other into going along with what they want. Margo remains blissfully ignorant of a lot of what's going on. Sure she hears the rumors about her dad, but she takes her cue from the way her parents act at home. I'm coming to the conclusion that Albus is one part trying to recover from the mistakes of his youth and another part still thinking in terms of prodding his helpers along in his machinations..."for the greater good."

debjunk 2009.02.02 - 12:46AM 64: Committed Signed
Thank heaven's he had Emily after what was probably a torturesome event with Cissy and Bella. Just knowing there was no way out must have been excruciatingly painful for him.

Author's Response: That's what I think. He must have spent the weeks in between first hearing the idea and making that vow thinking and planning some other way. Having it made a definite thing must have been, as you say, torture. Thank you for the review!

debjunk 2009.01.30 - 12:29PM 63: A New Trap Signed
Boys are just so dumb. It seems Margo is living the same type of life as her mother. That's hopefully a good sign for the future, right?

Author's Response: Emily was willing to accept a relationship she knew wasn't working and couldn't figure out for a long time, why it was so messed up. Somehow I think Margo will be more like her father on this

debjunk 2009.01.30 - 12:28PM 62: The Fateful Night Signed
Nice little encounter with Hope and Lucky. I'm sure she'll treasure that for... well, forever.

Author's Response: It was a perfect opportunity for her, and I think he will treasure it, too, in his way.

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